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Part-time CFO | Why Create A Business Plan

Many business owners understand that business plans can help them succeed says part-time CFO. But they still do not take the time to create this important document. There are many reasons why. From not knowing the information to include in a business plan. And not...

Part-time CFO | Create A Great Plan In Only Four Hours

Having a business plan is so important to entrepreneurs’ success according to part-time CFO. That not only can help them overcome common obstacles entrepreneurs face. But it can also help ensure that they are able to succeed over and above the businesses that do...

Part-time CFO | Update this plan right now

The biggest mistake that business owners can often make is not taking the time to create a business plan according to part-time CFO. But the second mistake business owners can make is creating their business plan. And then never looking at it again, or even updating...

Part-time CFO | How To Write A Four Hour Business Plan

Many entrepreneurs believe that they need to spend forty hours or more to make an effective business plan says part-time CFO. But this is not the case. In fact, spending that much time on a business plan will likely give an entrepreneur diminishing returns. The reason...

Part-time CFO | How To Write A Business Plan

When all reasons why business owners do not end up creating a business plan says part-time CFO. Is because they do not know where to start. Or what information should be put in a business plan? And get overwhelmed, or do not even start. Therefore, it is extremely...