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Edmonton Tax Accountant | What Is A Laptop Accountant

Many people believe that they can be an efficient Edmonton tax accountant simply by purchasing the most up-to-date accounting software and automating their processes. By buying a laptop, and then working a few hours here and there, they believe that the accounting software that is automating many accounting processes can help them work much more efficiently, so that they can end up working less. This is actually not an efficient or an effective way of working, and these types of accountants will actually do poor quality of work for their customers.

The laptop lifestyle is prevail in the end a lot of different industries, and it is perpetuated by people who think that they can work effectively by taking their laptop everywhere, multitasking and working for only a few hours a day so that they can end up enjoying the lifestyle that they want. This is quite literally the opposite of people going into the office every day and working hard. And not only that, but it does not results in effective or quality work being done unfortunately. In fact, Jim Collins who is the author of 6 books including bestseller good to great has written this in his book: “thoughtless reliance on technology is a liability”. If accountants believe that they can get quality work done simply by automating software, they typically will end up doing poor work.

While Edmonton tax accountant do believe that software and technology can be used to automate certain accounting processes, they believe that it needs to be done in a smart way to use to their advantage. By using accounting software to accomplish low-level accounting tasks, frees up and Edmonton tax accountant time to be able to spend more time, energy and brainpower on higher level work such as business plans and financial plans.

If an Edmonton tax accountant was to depend on computer software to do these high-level tasks, chances are that they would be low-quality and not designed to help an entrepreneur succeed. Therefore, they believe in the power of the accounting software to automate certain tasks, but not so that they can work less. But so that they can spend more time on the things that can help a business owner succeed in business.

At Spurrell and Associates, their mission is to help Canadian businesses beat the odds. Therefore, they know that this takes more time and energy than ever, which is why they use accounting software to automate easy processes. By doing this, they free up their time to do outstanding work in other areas, which takes even more time than ever before. Therefore, by using accounting software just means the work that they can be done will be better and at a higher level.

When I entrepreneurs thinking about which Edmonton tax accountant they would like to use, they should steer away from laptop lifestyle accountants, and go with an accounting firm who is dedicated to helping an entrepreneur succeed.

Edmonton Tax Accountant | What Is A Laptop Accountant

With the prevalence of laptops in the world, so is the prevalence of Edmonton tax accountant firms that believe they can be laptop lifestyle accountants. However, not only is this lifestyle inefficient for most industries, accountants that think that they can work efficiently this way may be not only kidding themselves, but getting their clients as well. Not only is this an inefficient way to work, but the client ends up paying the ultimate price, when they have to pay an hourly fee for their accountant to work in efficiently.

When accountants work on a laptop, they are not making as efficient use of their time, because no matter what kind of a laptop it is, it does not have the ability to work as fast, or efficient as their desktop computer can. Therefore, when they will their client, the client ends up getting a bill that is larger than it needs to be, to make up for the fact that the accountant took a longer time to accomplish the tasks than they would if they were working on a desktop computer.

In addition to that, when an Edmonton tax accountant is working on a laptop, chances are they are not working with other accountants either. And why this is a problem, is because if they encounter a problem and they are alone, it will take a much longer time to troubleshoot. Instead, when an accountant works at an Edmonton tax accountant firm where there are many accountants, they can put their heads together and collaborate in order to fix the problem. In fact, there is a large chance that the problem that an accountant is seeing has already been solved by another accountant earlier on in their career. Therefore, when they work in the same office, and accountant is going to be able to find solutions to problems faster. Again, this is important when a client is ultimately paying an hourly rate for the service.

Something else that entrepreneurs should take into consideration, is that when their Edmonton tax accountant is working on a laptop, chances of them multitasking is very high. This is the least efficient way to work, with studies proving in that brains work at their peak performance when they are working at 23 minutes of uninterrupted time. Therefore, an accountant that multitasks not only is not getting more accomplished, but is actually getting less accomplished than those Edmonton tax accountant firms that are working on interrupted on a single task at a time.

Entrepreneurs should take into consideration how their Edmonton tax accountant that their thinking of hiring works. Are they a laptop lifestyle accountant, or do they believe that it is important to dedicate their work, work uninterrupted and work surrounded by their peers in order to the highest quality of work for their clients. By understanding which accountant they would rather hire, a business owner can make the choice, and ensure that they are paying for an Edmonton tax accountant to do the best work they can as efficiently as possible.