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Edmonton Business For Sale | Why It Takes Time To Grow A Business

Many entrepreneurs underestimate how much time it is going to take them to build their business says Edmonton business for sale. They watch shows like Dragonís den or shark tank and think that I huge cash out for their business is just around the corner. Shows like these often misrepresents to entrepreneurs exactly how much time it takes to build a successful business, and then sell it for a large amount of money. Forbes says that 65% of all businesses will be around for five years before they are listed for sale, and about 50% of all businesses exist for 10 years before they are even listed for sale. These statistics prove that businesses must be around for a long time, before they are purchased, so that business owners should not think a key to getting rich quick, is by building an extremely successful business fast, and then turning around and selling it. Entrepreneur Magazine says only 20% of all businesses that are ever listed for sale will actually sell.

Because of all these reasons, entrepreneurs need to understand that building a business takes a significant amount of time and energy. Many entrepreneurs tend to overestimate what they are going to be able to get done in the first year of their business. The reason why they think they will be able to get so much more done than they can, is because the first year is when they are refining their product and service, and developing and documenting the processes used to get that product. Since the first year is the year where business owners are developing their products, this is not the year for them to become extremely successful says Edmonton business for sale.

Another limiting factor that business owners will find hinders their growth in their first year, is literally not to having cash. This lack of cash flow means that many entrepreneurs are not able to take on large projects or huge contracts. The reason for this, is whether it is a product or service that a business is selling, they will not have the money to fund a huge project. Whether it is purchasing materials says Edmonton business for sale, or hiring enough manpower to produce it, business owners will have to pay for materials as well as man hours upfront, and get the money for the job much later. If the business owner does not have the money in their business to take on huge contracts immediately, they will not be able to take them on to grow their business.

Since the first year of entrepreneurs business is going to be developing and refining their product and service, documenting how to produce it, and being limited on how much business they can take on, a business owner will underestimate how much they will be able to get done in their first year, making building a massively successful business in a single year not realistic.

There are several reasons why a business would take time to grow says Edmonton business for sale. One of the first reasons is that the first product or service that a business offers is usually not perfect. If a business does have a perfectly will find product as their first offering, chances are they got started too late. A business owners goal should be getting to market as fast as they can with their first product, and allowing the market to dictate exactly what needs to be changed or refined in the product. This real-time customer feedback is far more valuable and much less costly to obtain been market research.

Another limiting factor that many entrepreneurs will find in their first year, is developing marketing systems. Edmonton businesses for sale says that the first marketing systems that a business owner will create in their business is going to be extremely dependent on their time. Whether it is networking, cold calling and going out on sales calls, all of these marketing efforts are going to be extremely dependent on the business ownerís time in the beginning. While it is extremely important for the business owner to generate leads any way that they can as early as they can, a business owner also need to take time in order to create and implement scalable marketing strategies in their business. They are going to need to be able to get a steady stream of clients coming in that are not coming in as a direct result of the business owner spending time getting them to come in. The business owner needs to create a source for inbound leads that are coming independently of the business ownerís efforts says Edmonton business for sale. This creation of a scalable marketing strategy takes time, often six months to a year at a minimum to create, and then refine based on the results.

Another limiting factor that business owners might find in their first year, is not having the manpower developed to be leadership yet. Edmonton businesses for sale says that it is extremely important that business owners promote from within, but that process of developing leaders in their business takes a significant amount of time, the entrepreneurs will not have in the first year of their business, especially if they are already working on finding their products and services, marketing their business, and developing processes and systems. While it is extremely important says Edmonton business for sale that entrepreneurs promote from within, they need to understand that this amount of time that they need to develop those leaders, is going to limit their growth at least in the beginning.

By understanding these limiting factors, and working immediately to overcome them, business owners can build a business that is poised for success, but they need to understand that it is not an overnight process, a business owner will need to work hard at it for longer than they think.