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Edmonton Business Consultant | Why I don’t Resumes
Edmonton Business Consultant | Don’t Read Resumes
At Spurrell and Associates charted professional accountants. Our Edmonton business consultant want to talk about why business owners shouldn’t read resumes. Based on our reliable statistics 85% of people lie in the resume. And business owners spent a lot of time reading resumes for people they do not want to hire thus wasting a lot of time.
One of the major problems of the traditional interview process are people showing up late or not showing up at all in a job interview. Nearly 1/3 to half of the people scheduled for interview do not show up, show up late or day want to reschedule. Those are probably not people you want for your team but you read their resumes anyway. Imagine the time wasted on that. It also doesn’t take long to deem someone not hireable. It could take a short that is less than a minute. There are a number of factors such as punctuality and being not dressed for the job. However you are still wasting time reading their resumes.
Our Edmonton business consultant would like to talk about how much time is wasted reading resumes. The total interview process could at least take eight hours from reading your resume, getting in touch either via email or phone call, and then scheduling a one-on-one interview. The interview process usually take an hour per candidate. Then once they come in for an interview you have two give the same company overview that the candidate probably already know from the job posting for at most half an hour, which waste more time for the business owner.
Most people underestimate the number of employees you need for the hiring process. We believe that you need at least 100 applicants find the right candidate for the job. However most small business owners usually rely on referrals from relatives or friends. You can conduct group interviews to speed up the hiring process. You can send an email template to applicants give a few days of group interviews schedules. This will save you time by saying the company overview once instead of repeating it to every applicants. After the group interview is when you read their resumes. They showed up on time and is deemed hireable. This method saves you from reading 100 resumes to just a handful.
What is more important? Skills or being coachable and adaptable? Our Edmonton business consultant will answer this question for you. Of course there is a minimum skill required to do a certain job. However employees that are coachable and adaptable is what you would want. Skills can be taught but once things don’t go according to plan. An employee that’s coachable and adaptable will bring more value to your team. This goes to same when asking whether education is better than learning. While education is impressive, the trades usually change and learning is what lets employees adapt to the market their in. These traits are usually not listed in resumes but it’s crucial in the hiring process.
Edmonton Business Consultant | Why I don’t Resumes
Our Edmonton Business Consultant at Spurrell and Associates charted professional accountants will teach you a few tips to minimize time wasted while hiring. Statistics shows that 85% of applicants lie in the resume and yet business owner spent a lot of time reading these resumes for the people day probably won’t hire. Small business owners cannot waste time on the hiring process.
Out of 100 applicants, nearly half of those either won’t show up, looking to reschedule or show up late. These applicants are probably not the right fit for your team but small business owners have to read their resumes anyways. It doesn’t take long to find out if the employee is not the right fit for your company. It can take as little as 60 seconds to deem someone not hireable. A few factors being not punctual and not being dressed for the job. However you are still required to read the resumes.
Our Edmonton business consultant would like to discuss how much time business owners waste on reading resumes. The interview process could take up at least eight hours after business owner’s time. This includes reading resumes, getting in touch by a phone call or email, and then scheduling for one-on-one interview. Each candidate usually take an hour and for each interview the business owner would most likely give the same company overview and I gave on the job posting to each and every candidate. This again is more wasted time for the business owner.
We at Spurrell and Associates EPA believe that you need at least 100 candidates for your hiring process. Our Edmonton business consultant believe that most people underestimate the number of employees you need for the hiring process. Most small business owners rely on referrals either from relatives or friends. You can save time by conducting group interviews. This will allow them to meet more people are the same time and give the company overview only once instead of repeating it after every other interview. After finishing the group interview is when you read their resumes. This technique will save you time by reducing the number of resumes that needs to be looked at.
More important for applicants to be more skilled or more coachable and adaptable. There is always a minimum skill acquired to do a certain job. But employees that are coachable and adaptable can overcome obstacles much easier and faster if they are. Skills can be taught but business doesn’t always go according to plan. Coachable and adaptable employee will bring more flexibility and value to your staff. Same goes to asking whether education is better than learning. While education can bring a certain flair to your resume. The market usually changes in learning is what lets employees keep up with the industry. Most of these traits are not usually listed on resumes but are traits you’d want for your staff.