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Edmonton business consultant | Standard process for client intake

At Spurrell and Associates chartered professional accountants our goal is to hire like-minded Edmonton business consultant. Our team is dedicated to helping small businesses beat the odds. Most Canadian small businesses fail within the first five years. We are dedicated to reducing these odds. In this article we will discuss about the most common reason to business failure. This , according to 42% of business owners, is the inability to attract enough customers. Our firm and develop a free consultation program for new businesses. This includes not only our professional consultation service, you will also receive a free copy of “e myth” the best-selling business book by Michael Gerber. If you wish to know more please contact us at or if you wish to use the phone number is 780-665-4949.

One of the ways that business owners can attract more customers is to have an efficient client intake process. Big corporations have developed efficient and effective templates to boost client intake. Your average small business owner however, usually do not have a standardized client intake process. They prefer to use the inefficient on-the-fly client intake method. This might cause inconsistencies and confusion for both your employees and clients in the long run.

We know of a few ways to help you create a system for your client intake as the Edmonton business consultant. Creating preplanned question checklist can be a good start for your standardized process. Business owners are tasked to form pattern recognition skills. New clients often ask similar questions. Business owners should make a list of these similar questions and answers to create a checklist. You can use this checklist to create templates for your standardized client intake process.

One of the ways you can use this checklist is to create phone questionnaires. As the Edmonton business consultant we we noticed that conversations on the phone are the most efficient way to communicate with clients. Phone questionnaires can help your employees avoid stumbling when asked difficult questions. An effective phone questionnaire can help you extract the necessary information with just one conversation.

Another important template to make is email templates. While it’s true that females are less efficient way to communicate, sometimes email conversations are inevitable when clients are unavailable over the phone. We know of a few important email templates. One of which is email template derived from your phone questionnaires. This will create an alternative method of getting information from your clients whenever they can’t answer the phone.

Another one would be a template for setting email driven business meetings. Having 10 different meeting times is important for client flexibility and experience. A template to immediately confirm an appointment is also important. This should contain the necessary information for the upcoming meeting. And lastly, an email reminder template for the meeting the day before. A reminder email is important to help clients remember the meeting.

If you found this article useful please visit our website at to find more. We write articles for small businesses to help them succeed.

Edmonton business consultant | client intake standard process

All business owners should strive to create an effective and efficient client intake process suggested by our Edmonton business consultant. The success of bigger corporations stems from having standard client intake process. They perfected templates to make intaking clients. Clients appreciate simple and easy processes. The average Canadian small business however usually do not have standardized client intake processes. They prefer to “wing it” but this will cause problems in the long run. On-the-fly client intake method can cause inconsistencies and confusion for both clients and employees. This article will show you how to make a process for your client intake process.

Values and mission drive our work. Spurrell and Associates chartered professional accountants is inspired by our mission to help Canadian small businesses succeed. The odds of small businesses failing is 50%. They usually donít last for more than 5 years. According to statistics, 42% of business owners blame the lack of clients as the reason for their failure. Our firm has developed helpful programs for new businesses. Our new clients will receive free consultation services as well as a copy of ìE-Mythî the best selling business book by Michael Gerber. If you wish to learn more about our free consultation program, please contact us at or call us at 780-665-4949.

Standardized client intake process will create an efficient and easy workflow for both clients and employees. This will result in more incoming clients. As the Edmonton business consultant, we recommend starting a preplanned question checklist. This factor will lessen confusion and make information more consistent. You will start to notice similar questions come up for client to client. You can use this to your advantage. you can use this checklist to create templates for your standardized client intake process.

When the ways you can use this checklist as to create phone questionnaires. Phone questionnaires will allow you to extract and relay necessary information faster. Phone calls are the most convenient way to communicate after all according to our Edmonton business consultant. An effective phone questionnaires will prevent your employees from stumbling when a client asked them a difficult question.

Another alternative way you could use this checklist is to create email templates. Stated before phone calls are the most efficient way to communicate but an alternative way is via email. Clients arenít always available over the phone and next best thing to use this email. There are a few important email templates that you need to create. One is email version off your phone questionnaires. The next template is an email for business appointments. You should also try to create types of confirmation type templates. One of which should immediately confirm the previously appointed business meeting. They should contain the necessary information for the upcoming appointment. the last but not the least, an email template to remind clients about the business meeting appointment the day before.