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How To Create A High Ranking Webpage | Edmonton Business Consultant

Many business owners believe that websites creating website is the most important thing they can do to have an online presence and start generating traffic for their business says Edmonton business consultant. attracting new customers is the single largest problem that business owners face in business today, with 42% of failed businesses attributing their failure to not being to attract clients. Business owners try to generate as much interest in their company as possible as soon as they open in order to combat this problem. However, simply by putting money into a website is not going to enable a business to have a lot of online traffic, unless they are able to ensure that they can rank high up in Googleís search engine results.

There are several things that Google factors in when they are creating their Google results says Edmonton business consultant. Those things are, Google canonical compliance, website mobile compliance, most Google reviews, and the most HTML content. The first two are factors that a website developer will be able to help a business owner take into consideration. However, the second two items are well within a business owners ability to affect. If there able to have the most Google reviews and the most HTML content, they will be able to help Google make them higher up on their search engine, and be seen by potential customers.

The reason itís so important to high up on Googleís search engine results says Edmontons business consultant is because people are looking for a service or business, they will not look past page 1. If a business ends up on page 2 of Google, they will not be able to generate the interest in their business that makes paying for website worth it. The first thing that a business owner should do before spending the time and money on developing a websites, is working on those factors that will help that websites rank higher on Google.

The first thing businesses should do is create a Google web business page. The reason for this is Edmontons business consultant is because this will allow them to immediately start getting ranked by Google. By setting up their page properly, business owners should be able to start getting Google rankings on the first page. It is a lot more effective than creating a webpage and not get ranked on page 1. But more importantly the says Edmonton business consultant, is that it will allow them to start getting Google reviews. The reason why Google reviews are so important to businesses, is because almost 90% of likely buyers look at a businesses Google reviews before they decide whether or not to purchase from that company. If the business has no Google reviews or only a few Google views, they could potentially lose customers before they even have them. By their Google pages, business owners can have a greater impact on their business in a short time for less money than creating a website.

There are many different ways that business owners can generate customers for their business says business consultant. Since failure to attract customers is the reason why 42% of businesses that close their business in five years shut down. Unfortunately, many business owners donít know the best way to go about attracting new customers. They think that just by creating a website is all they will need to do in order to have an online presence and generate business. Unfortunately, is by having a website doesnít mean businesses are going to get ranked by Googleís high enough to make a difference.

There are several ways that Google ranks websites, and the two that are most in the businesses power to affect, is the most Google reviews, and the most HTML content. Businesses that have the highest number of Google reviews will be ranked higher up on search engine results businesses who donít. As well, businesses that have the most HTML content on their website also get a much higher ranking. These are the things that business owners should take into consideration when they are thinking of creating website Says Edmonton business consultant.

With 88 per cent of potential buyers reviewing a companies Google reviews before they make a purchasing decision, means that most business owners should worry about creating generating Google reviews for their business first. Many business owners are not aware of how they can generate Google reviews before they have a website says Edmontons business consultant. It is very easy for entrepreneurs to create a Google places page. What this does, is allows them to be searched immediately by Google search engine. Often, businesses that set this page up quickly the first time can start being ranked number one in Google search engine results. This will take far less time for less money than creating an entire website. But more important than that, Edmonton business consultant says that Google places page will allow businesses to start generating Google reviews.

When a business owner has a Google places page, and is generating Google reviews, business owners can then focus on creating content for their website. Since generating the most HTML content will help them rank higher on Google search engine results, businesses should focus on creating that content before they have a website. A good rule of thumb says Edmontons business consultant is for websites to have six pages each with a thousand words per page as a starting point. Once a business owner has this content created, they can continue creating content. Although it may be daunting for business owners to have to write a thousand words, Edmonton business consultant recommends the easiest way to get those words is to talk them instead of rate them. By making YouTube videos on subject matters that they are experts in, and then transcribing those videos, business owners should be able to get to a thousand words in about 10 minutes of speaking.