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Edmonton business consultant | Efficient client intake systems

According to our Edmonton business consultant, 42% of business owners fail because of the lack of clients. This could be caused by a number things. We will discuss about the importance of an efficient client intake system. Bigger companies have perfected their standardized process for client intake. They have efficient templates and allow employees to generate clients faster. This tested method allowed them to rise up to the top. However most Canadians small businesses have an inefficient client intake system. Some of them don’t even have one at all. The lack of client intake system can create confusion and consistency issues for both clients and employees.

At Spurrell and Associates chartered professional accountants, we value our corporate mission to help small businesses. We have a team of like-minded Edmonton business consultant who dedicated time and effort to help small businesses. Our passion is lead us to create a free consultation program for new clients. This not only includes our free professional consultation is, it will also give you the opportunity to read Michael Gerber’s best-selling business book “E-Myth.” To know more about our services please contact us at or if you prefer to talk tous over the phone our number is 780-665-4949.

The first first step to creating an efficient client intake system is to create a preplanned question checklist. They should include common questions from your clients. To make this checklist, business owners should observe their new clients. As the Edmonton business consultant we realize that the questions asked my new clients are usually similar. Entrepreneurs can use this to your advantage by creating preplanned question checklist. You can use these checklist to create values templates. These templates are the first step to creating standardized client intake process.

One of the most efficient templates that business owner can make use are phone questionnaires. You can use your preplanned question checklist to make phone questionnaires. This will allow employees to know the answers to the most common questions, of us will help them avoid giving out inconsistent information. This will also help employees do avoid stumbling if someone asked them a question. Some clients will go off topic. The most effective line to get back on track is “, absolutely I can help you with that but first let me ask you…” This is almost guaranteed to get the questionnaires going.

The most common templates in a standardized client intake system are email templates. Although email conversations are less desired inefficient and phone calls, and if necessary because of the unpredictability of client schedule. You can use the exact questionnaire to create an email version.

One of the few important email templates are emails for business driven appointments and confirmation emails. To create an effective business appointment emails, the entrepreneur needs to set at least 10 different meeting times. To further increase the efficiency of this template, you should also make an email to immediately confirm said appointments. And lastly you need to have a reminder email just the day before the meeting at.

Edmonton business consultant | client intake system efficiency

It’s important to draw inspiration from successful businesses according to our Edmonton business consultant. All successful businesses have effective and efficient client intake systems. They have improved their templates to the point of maximum efficiency. This allows them to generate clients quickly. On the other hand Canadians home businesses are often found without standardized client intake process. This is not scalable because it might create inconsistencies and confusion for both clients and employees. In this article we will discuss the importance of having an efficient client intake system.

Improving the chances of success for small businesses is our goal as the Edmonton business consultant. At Spurrelll and Associates chartered professional accountants we have a goal to help small businesses beat the odds. Our firm is developed a few ways to help small business. One such way is giving away free consultation services to first-time clients. They will also receive free copy of Michael Gerber’s “E-Myth” the best-selling business book. If you if you know more about our services contact is over the phone that had 780-665-4949 if you prefer to use email you can find us at

Creating preplanned question checklist is first step to creating an effective client intake system. You can create this checklist by observing questions asked by new clients. Business owners will begin to realize that questions are similar from client to client. Making a list of this questions is the first step to creating templates for your standardized client intake process. They can also make an FAQ from this checklist.

One of the most effective ways to use this checklist is to create phone questionnaires. The most effective way to communicate clients is by using the phone according to our Edmonton business consultant. Creating a good phone questionnaires no easy task, it requires pattern recognition skills to create a checklist. However once you have created an excellent phone questionnaire, this will allow you to learn and really information to your clients. This will make for a faster workflow and simpler for clients.

Another way to use this checklist is to create email templates. It’s important to have an alternative way to communicate clients if they are away from the phone. It is generally wise to have an email version of the phone questionnaires. You can send this email anytime thus making it convenient.

It is also possible to create email template for business appointments. This one requires more effort to keep clients engaged. Business owners should create their business appointment template with 10 different meeting times. Client will appreciate the flexibility you give them. After sending an appointment, an email confirmation template should be ready to be sent immediately. This should consist of the necessary information for the appointment. The sooner you send us the better because it will allow clients and business owner to correct any misinformation. The last email template is a reminder for the meeting day. It is important to create this template to send today before the meeting.