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Edmonton Business Consultant | Effective Website Strategies

There are many challenges that entrepreneurs face in Canada today says Edmonton business consultant. And one of the most significant ones is not being able to find enough customers. Industry Canada statistic says that 50% of Canadian businesses will go out of business in the first five years, and that 42% of those failed entrepreneurs will list a lack of customers as the reason for their business to fail. Entrepreneurs are faced with a monumental task of trying to find customers for their products and services. Many of them believe that simply by creating website is only need to do in order to generate interest in their business online. However, this isnít how business owners can ensure their webpage is seen. If they arenít ranked on page 1 of Googleís search engine results, they are much less likely for their potential customers to see them and become their clients.

Simply by having websites want to ensure that they will get onto page 1 of Google results, and consumers will not look past page 1 of search results. So for business is on page 2, they will have spent money on a website thatís not getting seen. More important than having a website says Edmonton business consultant, is generating Google reviews for their business. The reason this is far more important to the website says Edmonton businesses consultant, is because potential customers will do searches for that business as a way of making the purchasing decision. in fact, 88% of all consumers will do this search, and if a business has no Google reviews or very few Google reviews, they will be less likely to use that product or service. Itís very important that entrepreneurs start generating Google reviews as quickly as possible.

Many business owners believe that it will just be enough to buy Google ads to help keep them on the first page of Google, making it unnecessary to try and generate Google reviews. Edmonton business consultant says this is actually not an effective strategy either, because while buying ads will help them be seen by potential customers, when they click on that ad and see that the business has no or few Google reviews, they will make the decision not to purchase from that business anyway.

Many business owners also believe that they wonít need Google reviews as a strategy, because they are going to be doing most of their business and getting most of their clients from word-of-mouth referrals. Edmonton top business consultant says strategy of getting as many Google reviews as possible is still valid, even if a business has many word-of-mouth customers. The reason for this, is 88% of those word-of-mouth customers are still going to do the research and check out a businesses Google reviews in order to make their purchasing decision. A business is far better to have those Google reviews and convert more of those word-of-mouth referrals into actual customers. Regardless of the strategy, business owners can always benefit from having Google reviews in their business.

Many business owners are not aware of all of the things that they need to do in order to help their webpage be seen by potential customer says Edmonton business consultant. They believe that just by merely having a webpage, they will be able to generate interest in their business and get new customers. Once they realize that creating a website does not mean that they will end up on the first page of Google search results, will have to come up with a new strategy. Luckily there is effective ways that businesses can have an online presence, and lay the groundwork for a website that will get great ranking when they are ready.

Business owners should write a minimum of 6000 words before launching a website says Edmonton business consultant. And the reason for this, is because the way Google ranks websites. The more HTML content a website has, the higher Google is going to rank it. A good starting place for this is 6000 words, which roughly works out to a website having six pages, each with about a thousand words on it. Once a business owner has 6000 words, they can keep going getting more and more content, because the more content they have, the better you will end up in the search results. The easiest way to get words is to talk them, rather than writing them. This means if a business owner is able to make 10 minute videos on related content to their business, topics that they are passionate about or experts in, they will easily be able to have a thousand words per video. All they need to do is transcribe those videos, and they have their thousand words.

Another way that Google ranks websites is by looking at which websites have the most Google reviews. Itís extremely important for business owner to generate Google reviews for their business says Edmontons business consultant. The reason for this, is because 88% of potential customers will look at a businesses Google reviews before deciding where to buy from. A business that has no Google reviews, or very few reviews will be seen negatively by potential customers, and could lose out on business. The sooner a business owner can start generating Google reviews for the business, the better. A good rule of thumb says Edmonton business consultant is a business that has about 40 reviews, will outperform any business that has a website with zero Google reviews. Consumers will see businesses that have 40 reviews and more as legitimate and experts and what they do.

Itís extremely important that business owners act very smartly when it comes to online marketing. Itís not as easy as merely creating a website. Business owners need to create content and have Google reviews in order to get the most out of the website that they will be spending a lot of time and money creating.