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E-Myth – “Why most small businesses don’t work & what to do about it”

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Edmonton Business Consultant | Customers Don’t Buy From Faceless Businesses

Hey Zach, can you trust this roll of tape? You know, that’s harder. That’s harder. You know the roll of tape goes wrong. Nothing. They can’t fix it. Right. If you, and at least can maybe try to rectify it if there is a problem. And it’s the same thing, a brand, you know, a brand is an inanimate object and you’re trying to get people to trust that right off the bat with a, you know what note, you know, attaching a person to it, it’s extremely difficult.

Yeah, I can see the home, why I can be, because it’s not.

Hi, thanks for joining us for another episode of ask Speral CPA today as to visit Edmonton Business Consultant, we’re talking about people don’t buy from faceless businesses. Again, as a Edmonton Business Consultant talking about how people don’t buy from faceless businesses. We have Zach here with me again. Zack, you’re enjoying the good Edmonton Business Consultant weather. Yeah, I’m loving it. I’m tired of this smell that we have for so long. No snow, no snow. Cal Long. Is this going to last right? I probably a couple of days, couple days in evidence. So, uh, the quote here that we have, you know, it’s a zig Ziglar quote and he says, if people like you to listen to you, but if they trust you, they’ll do business with you. And the statistic that we have, you’re, you’re talking about people don’t buy from face of businesses is 50% of all Canadian small businesses go out of business in five years, in 42% of these failed business owners will lack the lack of customers, lack of demand from customers.

One of the primary reasons of why they go, why they go out of business, making it the most common reason, lack of customers, the most common reason of why small business go out of business. Um, and you know, the story that we have here, business owners, they’re trying to create this like faceless brand and they’re wondering why they can’t get customers. You know, they’re, they’re, they’re looking at the, the huge guys and they’re trying to create that faceless brand run a fast start and they’re wondering why they can’t get customers. Zack, what are the questions these business owners should be asking? So is it quicker to build trust as a person or as a brand? It’s quicker to build trust as a person. It’s hard enough to build trust as a person. You know, they, I, I asked, uh, you know, Zach, Zach, can you trust me?

Yeah. You know, that’s, that’s hard enough as it is. But you know, I go to, Hey Zach, can you trust this roll of tape? You know, that’s harder. That’s harder. You know, the roll of tape goes wrong. Nothing. They can’t fix it. Right. If you and D at least can maybe try to rectify it. If there is a problem and it’s the same thing, a brand you, a brand is an inanimate object and you’re trying to get people to trust that right off the bat with the, you know what, nope. You know, attaching a person to it. Yeah. It’s extremely difficult. Yeah, exactly. Have some of the big brands that we’ve been trust bin that we trust and building our Edmonton Business Consultant trust for a lifetime. Yeah. I mean, let’s look yet, you walk in the home depot or something, you know, when you walk into home depot that if it doesn’t go well, you can just go and it back after they’re going to take it back.

Pretty much a no questions asked. But we’ve been, you’re probably aware of that policy for, you know, a couple of decades living, you know, with that sort of policy in mind. Right? You, you go to certain places, a, you buy an apple phone, you know, or something wrong. They tell you all these are warranty. You don’t ask any questions because I’ve been dealing with apple for 20 years at this point, right? Uh, you’ve been dealing with home depot for 30 years at this point. So you’ve seen your Edmonton Business Consultant parents deal with it. So that sort of brand trust takes a long time. It takes an absolute long time. So you’re looking at these big brands and thinking that they started there, they didn’t start there. I mean that, that took a lifetime for us to trust at that level usually. Yeah. So can small businesses compete on Brendan initially?

So, yeah, that, that it goes, it’s counterintuitive because ultimately, you know, we want to model after these big businesses and we see them that building the brand, they’re putting their brand out there, they’re putting their logo out there. They’re not putting the, the CEO of there all the time. There aren’t marshaling the CEO out there, but at one time they did march the CEO of there. So, uh, initially, um, you know, the small businesses, they’re not going to be able to compete on brand. It’s going to be very, very difficult to get people to trust that brand as opposed to trusting. Uh, uh, another, uh, another human being really is small businesses. They’re generally gonna run out of cash trying to get people to trust that brand when they could just get the people to trust the key people in the business. Um, that would move the needle a lot quicker initially.

Yeah. So how do you even big businesses, you spokespeople to supplement brand trust? Yes. So even big businesses that they have, you know, that brand equity or people starting to trust the brand, they still get the spokesperson. They still get the George Foreman parroting the grill. Um, you know, they still get the Michael Jordan Jordan promoting the shoes. Right? Uh, so even big businesses that have that brand equity, they’re still putting people and faces attached to them as well. And as small businesses, unfortunately, you know, we can’t afford Michael Jordan promotes parole and associates. So me, that’s all you get. You get meat, you get Zack, that’s all you’re going to get him today. Uh, but if we don’t attach faces to the, to the businesses in all that, we just can’t do it. So it will, even big businesses will have that brand equity. You just watch what they’re doing.

There’s still attaching people to that brand. There’s still attaching faces to that brand. Um, so as a small business, you’re in Europe and if it’s not you, it’s going to be a very difficult road. Yeah. So what are three areas most people will click on a small business website? Yeah. So the areas that they click on a small business website will reflect the fact that this is so important to attach faces on it. And one of the people see the homepage obviously because that’s sort of where they land is the homepage. And then there’s an overwhelming amount of people who that’s all they’ll ever see is the home page. But when you look at what else they actually click on the page, um, you know, it’s very, you know, sometimes they’ll click on the services page and generally the only other page ever going to click on is the actual team.

They want to know the biographies and the put, you know, uh, pictures to the, the people’s faces on the team. That’s where people are going to click on people build these, you know, big extravagant websites thinking that people are clicking three or four links in and they have 20 pages and their own information organized in certain ways. And really they only click on the homepage and they click on the services page and they click on the team page. And that just reflects the fact that people won’t buy from faceless businesses especially. And when you’re a small business, you don’t have that brand equity. They want to attach, you know, a, a face to that. Uh, a product or service that they’re buying. So it, it just reflects it and uh, um, it, it’s super important. Just reflects the fact that people, you know, they won’t buy from faces.

Yeah. Businesses. So like most business probably what happens if you don’t have a strong team or biography, biography page. So if you don’t have that team page, generally they’re going to go to one of your competitors that has it and that’s the person who’s going to get the call. And even if you do get the call, you’re less likely to convert it because you have and told that story I haven’t told who are the people involved in this business. Um, so you’re just going to generate less opportunities to sell. And The Times that you do get to sell your Edmonton Business Consultant product or service, you’re less likely to convert. So, uh, you know, this, the stats are there people, that’s what they click on, small business pages, home paid service, and the team. And if you don’t put, you don’t have that team available. If that team page is inadequate, you’re just reducing the opportunity to, uh, uh, to sell your product or service.

Okay. And what most small businesses run out of cash if they arise solely on brand to sell. Yeah. It’s just so long of a road to get there, uh, that most small businesses, you know, the second most common reason is they’re going to run into cash. So even if they could, they have a great strategy to build that brand equity. The probably underestimating how long it’ll take to get there and they’ll, they’re going to need a lot more cash to get there and they’re going to run out. So we want to start getting that revenue flowing through the door based on the people in the business, get the customers trusting the people in the business. Um, that’ll move the new year quicker, Eh, in a shorter period. Yeah. So do even big businesses struggle to keep customers when key people or staff leave? Yeah. So even like big businesses, you get like bankers and investment advisors and you know, you get there working for Scotia Bank and the minute they switched over to RBC, even those Scotiabank has a ton of brand equity.

People know who they are. You know, you’ve been seeing the commercials since you were a kid. You can recognize the logo from anywhere, uh, you know the ass. Right. Um, and you know, people, even though they have that brand equity that advise you you’re dealing with at Scotia bank moves to RVC a lot of the customers are going to follow along with them anyways. Um, so even big businesses struggle to, you know, get people to do business with the brand as opposed to the actual person in the business. Okay. Uh, how can having more than one contact person for customers minimize that risk? So especially if we go back to that, the Scotia Bank example there, um, you know, the way Scotia Bank could minimize that risk as you know, that client is being serviced by a team rather than individual. Because if that client is just being serviced by an individual, I mean what, why would the client actually stay?

Um, they are not getting any value from the rest of the team there. Um, so if you’re a small business, you can look at this. People don’t buy from faceless businesses. They buy from people and then you have to open your eyes to the risks that what if one of your people leaves? They can take the customers with them yet, but they can’t take the team with them. So if that customer’s getting value from multiple people on that team, now they know if I leave to the one team member, they’re only getting a fraction of that value that they become accustomed to use. That will minimize the risk of, you know, a customers just being attached to a person. So that’s, cause that can be sometimes the feedback as well. If I, if I attached a value to a person, what happens if that person leaves?

Well, that’s, that’s how you mitigate that risk as you make sure the customer’s getting value for more than one person on your Edmonton Business Consultant team. Okay. Uh, and the last question I have here is, can you eventually transitioned people personal trust and to trust in the brand? You can’t. I mean, that’s the goal. Ideally, ideally you want the goal to be a, you know, to move that trust to the brand. The key thing is that you just don’t start there because if you start there, you know, if you try to be that nameless, faceless business, he post that website up and you don’t have any of the team members on there, chances are the phone’s not ringing. And if it does ring there, they’re not going to have a lot of trust there. They’re not going to want to do business with you. You know, you’re, you’re going to have to be the cheapest guy on the block.

Um, but you can eventually move that trust from you, the business owner to the brand itself. And they start to trust that anybody working at that brand has the same values and work ethic and they’re using the same sort of procedures and processes the to get the right answer. Um, so you can eventually transition to trust to the brand. And that should be the goal. Um, but it should be the longterm goal and not the short term goal. I mean, that’s something, you know, hey, five years down the road, 10 years down the road, I’m going to have this sellable business and there’s going to be people who are loyal to the brand and I’m going to be able to sell it. Um, because if they have that loyalty to the brand, they can see, you can sell it as the business owner, a new business owner can come in and the customers are going to stay because they, they are loyal to the brand itself. So, so I think that’s what we have here today. As always, the only look forward to reading any comments that you have so we can respond back and possibly use your Edmonton Business Consultant input for future videos and a, as always pleased at the can subscribe button. So Edmonton Business Consultant continue to deliver your tips on how to beat the odds at business. Thanks very much.