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Edmonton Business Coach | Want To Know More About Modern-Day Marketing 101?
Edmonton business coach | digital marketing 101
The technological advancement from the last few years has been massive according to our Edmonton business coach. The marketing industry has changed a tremendous amount. Just a few years ago, the most prevalent marketing strategy is to use TV commercials, radio ads and print marketing materials. These are the classic marketing strategies, though still effective, they are not as effective as digital marketing. The industry has shifted to focusing on having a strong online presence. The rise of the internet gave way to a term called search engine optimization. This is the pillar to online marketing.
As the Edmonton business coach for Spurrell and associates chartered professional accountants, the work we do is inspired by our mission and corporate values. The mission to help small businesses succeed inspires our firm. We believe that to help small businesses, we need to give me free consultation on the first visit. They will also receive a free copy of ìE-mythî the best selling business book by Michael Gerber. If you wish to know more, please contact us at info@spurrell.ca or 780-665-4949.
Search engine optimization is a set of rules that websites need to follow so that search engines such as Google, will find you. The better you can implement these rules the better. To start, the website needs to be responsive. Google reviews also play a big factor to online marketing. The last is having content rich website.
Responsive websites is important for search engine optimization. Our Edmonton business coach explains this as a flexible and fast website. Nowadays everyone has a smart phone and the web search using phones has been on an all time high. Itís important for websites to be flexible and fit all screen sizes to accommodate different devices. Optimizing the speed of your website can also affect SEO. The assets used to for your websites needs to be as optimized and small as possible without losing quality. These assets are images, videos and code.
Business owners should also try their best to get Google reviews. Most people look at Google reviews before using the service or product of a company. Statistics show that 88% of potential clients look at Google reviews before conducting business. Most people see Google reviews as the way to see if a business which it. Business owners should try to get their current clients write reviews for them. This will help grow your business a lot faster.
And lastly having content rich website is an important factor to winning at search engine optimization. All the top websites have plenty of content. These are relevant content and keywords so that Google can find your website easier. The more words you have the easier Google will find you. We recommend having at least a thousand words for your most important pages such as homepage, meet the team page and the about page. As small business owners we understand that a thousand words is lot however we have created an efficient workflow to provide a thousand words. We use video blogs and we transcribe these videos and short words thus giving as more contact.
Edmonton business coach | modern-day marketing 101
One of the most effective marketing strategies nowadays is using power of the Internet to your advantage according to our Edmonton business coach. The marketing industry has changed drastically over the years. A lot of marketing strategies from years prior includes TV commercials, radio and printing materials. This was extremely effective before but today there are more effective marketing strategies using the Internet. Having a strong online presence is important for marketing nowadays. This includes social media marketing and search engine optimization. These two are the most important factors to digital marketing and in this article we will discuss how you can use these to your advantage.
Spurrell and Associates chartered professional accountants is a firm that is dedicated to their corporate mission and values. We employ a number of Edmonton business coach who are inspired by our mission to help small businesses. We have developed various programs such as free consultation for new clients to help our small business owners to beat the odds. This free consultation comes with a free copy of Michael Gerberís best-selling business book called ìe-myth.î If you wish to know more please contact us at info@spurrell.ca or 780-665-4949.
Our Edmonton business coach will focus on search engine optimization for this article. Search engine optimization is set off rules and quirks that your website needs to comply so that Google can rank your website. There are a number of variables website needs to contain in order for Google to see it. This consists of; having a responsive website, abundance of Google reviews and lastly content rich website.
Responsive as it is a flexible website. The resurgence of smart phones cannot be ignored. Mobile phones are used more and more in our everyday lives and Google is required to adapt to that. Mobile friendly websites is important for current search engine optimization rules. The amount of mobile searches has risen in the past years and having websites that are optimized for them is important.
The next factor for SEO is having enough Google reviews. According to 88% of potential customers may look at Google reviews before conducting business. This includes client referrals. Often times people use Google reviews to see if business is legitimate. We suggest trying to get at least 40 Google reviews for your business. This is the magic number where potential customers see your business as legitimate.
Lastly having plenty of relevant content and words for your website is important for SEO. All the top websites in Google will have an abundance of relevant content to their services. These words help Google to find your content and website. We suggest having at least a thousand words for most important pages. Usually these pages are a page, about page and meet the team page. As small business owner we realize that coming up with a thousand words can be difficult. However we have developed a video blog process that will efficiently create content for you. We will use this video and transcribe it to create word content.