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Getting Up Early Vs Starting Late | Edmonton Business Coach

Hi, thanks for joining us for another edition of ask swirl CPA. Today we’re talking about getting up early versus starting work late. I Have Laura here with me again. So Laura you have some thoughts on if it’s going to snow one more time this year

to see us. I hope it doesn’t,

you hope it does it. Okay. So you heard it here first. Laura has personally guaranteed that it will not snow again burn up a pass today’s date, right? That’s what you said. Not Quite. Okay. Um, the code that we have here is zig Ziglar quote, if you don’t plan your time, someone else will help you wasted. And so industry Canada tells us that 50% of all Canadian small businesses fail. Um, and you know, business owners, they start working for themselves and they, I think that the hours work at night are just as productive as the hours that they work in the morning, which, you know, may not be the case. And so, Laura, what are the questions you think these business owners should be asking when they’re considering? Do I need to wake up early and get out of it or can I simply just stay up later?

When you are more likely to be distracted is in the morning or at night,

you’re probably more likely to be distracted at night. So let’s, let’s think about that. If you wake up at 5:00 AM, how many times is your phone actually ring at 5:00 AM how many text messages do you get at 5:00 AM do customers call you routinely? You know, quarter after five, 6:00 AM in the morning, it’ll maybe for that one off that they do, there’s a lot more people who call you between nine and five a is generally the way it goes. So, um, and then at night you have no family who were expecting to to see you and interact with you. So they’re distracting. But when you get up in the morning, first thing in the morning, and it’s probably the least amount of distractions that you’re going to have are between those kind of 5:00 AM to 9:00 AM hours that I find. Yeah.

Generally do we have more ability to tackle hard task earlier or later in the day?

So we have a certain amount, uh, let’s call it intellectual capital that we have to spend every day. Um, and they’ve proven that, you know, as we get throughout the day would make more and more decisions and we take on more and more tasks. Edmonton Business Coach, we actually start, you know, reducing our, our resolve to do hard things. We also reduce our intelligent levels too, will score better on intelligence tests, you know, in the morning when we’re fresh than later in the day. Um, so we have a bigger ability to take on harder tasks. Um, you know, a task that are a little more intimidating as well earlier in there.

How does morning prep time allow you to prepare for meetings later that day?

So morning peppermints fantastic. Cause if you have that morning meeting time, um, now the, you’ve read it the day before, that’s the earliest you’ve read it, right? So if you prepare for the meeting the day before, but if you have meetings later in the day, you can do your prep work in the morning, you’ve read it the same day, you’re going to look really good in meetings if you prepare for them. And then two hours later you’re talking about the subject and know clients or I, it’s a way to cut out loud twice a little bit. Um, because you can be, you know, super prepared and have that information fresh in your mind because you’ve just reviewed it and you just prepared for the meeting. Edmonton Business Coach, so, um, you know, having that morning prep time, if we start early enough, we can have some morning prep time for that meeting late in the day and just be super prepared and have that information fresh and ready to go on our minds.


What are you at times like in the early morning versus later in the morning? Yeah,

so here’s another thing. You can, a commute is to kind of, uh, uh, a lot of people that have to go into a regular place of business, whether it’s a job site or the office or a shop or whatever it may be. Um, and those commute times are drastically shorter in the morning. So do you want to waste an hour of your day stuck in traffic? Frustrating wondering if you’re, you know, you’re going to make it or not or you know, what, same commute earlier than they might take half an hour. So we’re just cutting time off our day. We had to get to the office, you know, and get stuff done. Why don’t we just go to the office at the time when it’s, you know, at the time when there’s the least amount of traffic out there, we’re not going to waste time in traffic.


How does rushing to start work on time generally affect your stress levels?

Yeah. So you now you’re, you woke up late and you’re trying to get to the Office for 8:00 AM or 9:00 AM or whenever that start time is. And now your first experience on the day is actually rushing to get to the office. And in that rush, you know, we have that elevated stress level and as we elevate our stress level, our Amygdala is activated in our prefrontal Cortex is deactivated and our prefrontal cortex is, uh, the, you know, the way we reason and do technical problems and, and solve issues. So, you know, we’re immediately activating that, uh, that emotional response and we’re making ourselves less intelligent, um, simply because we didn’t want to get up earlier to drive to work when there’s less traffic out there.


Does getting up on time generally provide a sense of accomplishment? Yeah.

So, you know, there’s, we get, um, you know, uh, momentum and we get motivated by actually making a accomplishing things. And what’s the best thing and the easiest thing to accomplish is you set your alarm clock. Can you set it at a specific time and when that alarm clock rings at that time, you get out of bed. At the time you said you were going to get out of bed, you don’t hit the snooze button and go back to bed for another hour. And then the first thing you start with a win first thing of the day is you start with the, when you got up on time, you got, Edmonton Business Coach, you got out of bed the time that you wanted to. If you start your day with a win and the momentum can you just roll from there?

When are the resources and people you need to coordinate with generally?

So most businesses, the the times and when you’re, you need to coordinate with your staff, you’re going to need to coordinate with your bankers, your insurance people, um, you know, other people, other contractors that you engage. And these people are generally going to be around if you need to have a discussion with them, they’re going to be around in regular business hours. So if you’re trying to contact them at 10 o’clock at night, well guess what? Now you’re sending an email and that email might not, you know, in part what you could depart in a discussion. So, um, the people that you need to coordinate with back and forth, uh, coordination, they’re available early. They’re not available late at night. They’re not going to answer their phone. When you call your bank at at 11:30 PM, they’re not answering. So you need to make time earlier in your day. So, uh, simply working later, you can often make the communication, the back and forth communication, uh, less efficient.


How does arriving early help keep employees accountable and motivated? So the, you know, you want, you have employees and you’re trying to keep them on a schedule and we know we have to keep employees on it on a schedule, Edmonton Business Coach, to make sure we’re, we’re paying for hours that they actually work and you want them there at a certain time to open the office. But then on the other hand, you tell them, well, I want you to get there, but I don’t know if I can wake up on time to get there. Uh, and slowly what happens is the employee is that to say, well, you know, they don’t ever, I they want me to open the office at 8:00 AM, but they always roll in at nine 30. Huh. Showing up on time, namely, it’s not that important. Maybe I don’t have to show up on time. Um, and even if they do, often they feel, you know, not supported. They’re doing the work and the business owner is and putting in the work. So it, it, it keeps them accountable because it shows that, you know, you’re not asking you to do anything that, that you don’t do. Um, you know, that that keeps him motivated and they see that they’re on, they’re on, they’re playing on the same team as you.


Why is an earlier start time generally allow more time with family? So here’s the thing, you can say, you come into the office later and you could have come into the office at 6:00 AM and you don’t get to the office and until nine or 10:00 AM so now it’s a four hours difference. And you could just say, well, I can just work later. I’m just going to work later. So instead of you, you came here at six, maybe you can get off at six but instead of 10, now you’re getting home at 10. Well, if you have kids and family, they don’t, they don’t want to coordinate with you at 10:00 PM the kids got to get up, they got to go to bed, you know, uh, you, you have have a spouse and they probably have another job too. And so now everyone is on different schedules.

And the time when you’re off work is the time when everyone else is asleep. So starting earlier, make sure that when you get off that the other people in your, in your life, you know, and they haven’t, they haven’t gone to bed already. How does starting early and working late facilitate vacation time? So if you can get into that rate regime of you start early and maybe you stay a little bit later, the average business owner, um, you know, they have struggled getting vacation, but if they can get into that habit of some longer days, you know, instead of checking out an extra hour early or an extra two hours early, if they can start getting into the that, you know, it sounds tough, but you get into that nine, 10, 11, 12 hours a day. And if you could actually do it and you can actually be productive in those nine, 10, 11, 12 hours, now what happens is now you can actually take that week off and you can go do something interesting going on a vacation and completely check out of the business, uh, and completely refresh rather than just go home and, uh, an extra hour early.

So, you know, developing that habit to stay early, um, and work a little bit of a longer day. You know, that could be the reason of why you get a vacation or why you don’t have vacation. Do successful people generally start early or start late? There’s always exceptions to this rule. Edmonton Business Coach, but you know, the majority of successful people, they start early. If you start asking them, you know, what time do you start and what time do you use third most successful people start, are they, they started early for all the reasons that we just, we just said that he, they could end up getting vacations because of it. The people they have to coordinate with are available at this time. They want to have the time at the end of the day for their family members when they’re still awake. Um, you know, they don’t want to spend all their time stuck in traffic.

And that’s why successful people, they generally start early. So there’s always going to be exceptions, but our goal is to give you the advice that’s going to give you that 80% chances of success. So you don’t end up in that, you know, 50% of you are going to fail and you know, whether you, whether you like it or not, starting early is going to be one of those tools. So I would suggest that that any business owner who was trying to succeed, getting that habit, you build that habit. Don’t beat yourself up over it if you fail once or twice. But you know, you’ve got to get in that habit of, uh, of starting early. And, uh, that’s one of the keys to success. So thanks again for joining us here this time. Edmonton Business Coach, you know, please hit the light, can subscribe button so we can continue to deliver you tips on how to succeed at business. And there’s always, if you have any comments, please leave them in the section below and we’ll do our best to address them in some future videos. Thanks very much.