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Dont Read Resumes When Hiring | Edmonton Business Coach

Hi, thanks for joining us for another episode of ask [inaudible] CPA. Today we’re talking about why you don’t read resumes when hiring. Edmonton Business Coach, and I have me here with me. Hey man, thanks for joining me again on another, uh, uh, another episode. So are you excited for your tax died? Very excited to learn. Yeah. This point yet really get through all those returns, right? So, um, 30 days, 30 days, right. Okay. So the quote that we have here today, we’ve talking about resumes is a quote from Jim Collins, author of six business books. Um, those who build great companies underestimate that the ultimate throttle on growth for any great company is not the markets or technology or competition or products. It is one thing above all others. The ability to get and keep the right people. Um, so the statistic that I have on this subject is higher, right? In ink magazine, they report that 85% of people lie on their resumes. 85% of people lie on their resumes. And the story that we have are business owners and they’re spending an inordinate amount of time reviewing resumes of people that they ultimately are not going to want to hire. So me. And what are the questions do you think these business owners should be asking?

Well, the first question is how often will people not show up or show up late to a job interview?

Yeah, I would say, um, you know, roughly a third to a half. Uh, so if, if we’re talking about, you know, your, your, your booking interviews with people and it’s either going to become so difficult to book it because they’re going to cancel or reschedule or they’re going to show up late or they’re not going to come at all. Um, I, I think that’s probably, you know, one third of all the people. And so you’re, you know, you’re reading their resume and then we know what happens is, is, is they don’t show up or they show up late or they want to reschedule four times before they come. Um, you know, that’s not probably the person that you want, but you know, how much time you spent reading resumes for the people who are like that.

And how long will it take often to deem an employee and not hireable during an interview?

Um, probably less than 60 seconds. Ah, like a lot of times you, you just know when you meet someone, do I want to work with this person or not? Um, and they immediately start talking or, you know, they can, they’re the presence and maybe they showed up late again, you know, uh, there’s a number of factors. Maybe it’s their appearance. Uh, they didn’t come, you know, dress for the jaw and they showed up to an accounting interview in jeans or, or something of that nature. You’ll often, it’s less than 60 seconds. Do you know, you don’t want to hire this person, but again, how many hours have you spent reading resumes of people like this, um, before the fact,

how time is wasted reading resumes or on the phone with applicants?

Oh, we probably used to spend on a, uh, you know, a regular hiring round. We’d probably spend at least eight hours on the phone with applicants, are reading resumes, you trying to fill, trying to fill eight interviews, lots of type of thing, reading resumes, Edmonton Business Coach, you know, calling them up, you know, trying to schedule a time one on one with them. Um, you know, I would think it’s probably pretty close to one hour per interview that you want to do in between. No reading all the resumes that come in and then calling them out and trying to schedule a one on one time with them. I would venture to guess that it’s still pretty close to an hour per, uh, per interview that you want to do.


And how much time is wasted giving the same company overview to each applicant?

Yeah, so then they come into the job interview and the first part of the interview probably, let’s call it the first half an hour, is giving him the same spiel, the same overview about the, uh, about the job. So, you know, now we have another, another four hours. They’re invested. If for doing either abuse, Edmonton Business Coach, just, you know, seeing the same thing over and owner basically a predetermined speech. So, um, you know, not really an effective use of time. I don’t feel


Are Most people underestimating the number of candidates they need to see?

Yeah, completely. Like most business owners are just completely underestimating the number of candidates. In fact, most business owners probably make their first hire from someone that’s got referred to them. This is so and so’s nephew or um, you know, this is, uh, Edmonton Business Coach, my daughter in law and that’s the person who’s going to get the job. Or this is a friend of a friend and they get the job and they’re completely underestimating the number of candidates. And it’s one of the big advantages that big companies, however small companies, they have, that HR department that can see candidate after candidate after candidate and they can just completely bury a small business owner in terms of the talent that they’re, they’re going to see. Um, you know, I would, I would probably, uh, Neil put a number out there for people. If you want to hire someone, you probably have to meet a hundred people. So yeah, that’s kind of the, that’s scary number. You wrap your head around that. If you want to hire one good candidate, meet a hundred people.


And how, how can you see you as a group interview to avoid that time wasted?

You know, that’s how I think about, you know, the average small business owner, I’m telling you, you, you, you got to meet a hundred people and I’m telling you to half these people are not going to show up to the interview. Um, more a lot of them. Why you need to meet a hundred people is because a lot of the, you know, they won’t be hireable based on, you know, once they come in and just your initial perception of them, maybe the air, they could be a good people, but they might not be right for that position. Um, so the group interview is just a way to completely magnify that. It’s just the complete time hack on meeting these people. So, um, you know, what can happen is, you know, you get an applicant who, who responds in and instead of booking a one on one time with you, just send them out a template email saying of when you do your group interviews, um, and it’s not, you know, let’s call them, discuss a time that’s good for you.

It’s, you know, we’re doing one group interview on this day at this time and other group interview at this day, this time, another group interview on this day at this time. If you’re interested in this job, you’re going to make one of those three work. Um, and that’s really how you can look at it and you can get all these people in and you know, you can give them that same overview because they all want to know the same things and most of the jobs. Edmonton Business Coach, so usually even the questions that people ask in these group interviews, um, you know, if you were to do them one on one and you know what, you’re going to just add to that same question over and over again as opposed to just doing it once in a group interview so you can just meet a true, you know, a lot more people in a group setting than you ever could one on one. And you start to close that gap against the big companies who have an HR department who can meet people all day long.

And when is the first time that you read the applicant’s resume

after they come to that group interview? So A, they’ve, you know, they showed up on time and they’ve actually showed up period. And then they’ve said something in that group interview that makes you think that they, they’re hireable, they pass that initial perception test. Then and only then is when I actually read their resume. Um, so you know, I go from reading, you know, 50 to 80 resumes per week are the people who apply to you know, one or two or maybe three per week at most after the group interview session of the people who came. And I thought they were um, you know, have the right, uh, you have the values that aligned with our, with our company.

Should you then attempt to verify the skills listed on the resume?

Yeah, they don’t, we still have to go back to the fact that 85% of the people lie on resumes. So just because they say they can do it and you know, if you have a way that you can test that they can do it, that’s extremely effective. Um, so you don’t happen if you can verify any of the skills that they are reporting on that resume and well, that’s just going to put you in a much better position to make a good selection.

What’s more important skill or coachability and the ability to overcome it for city?

That’s another thing that you read that resume and it’ll have the skills listed on the resume, but it doesn’t have, you know, are they coachable or do they have that kind of a makeup that they can overcome adversity, which I would agree those are more important because you can have all the skill in the world, but the minute you run into adversity, you get off track. Well guess what? You’re not going to perform a lot because in the real world there always is some of the diversity things don’t go according to plan a all the time. I would think that coachability and ability to overcome adversity are, you know, more important than the skill I have and they have to have that middle level of skill that’s required to do that particular job. Um, but you know, coachability and adversity is probably what you’re going to make your selection on.

What’s more important education or a commitment to lifelong learning? Yeah, I would think that even if they have, you know, a resume is going to list what education that they have, but how much time have they spent, you know, going through their craft or their trade or their profession after they, they completed the, you know, kind of the certificate if you will. Um, that’s probably going to be more indicative than if they’re a high level employee or if they’re a low level employee. Edmonton Business Coach, and you know, those, those things are, are difficult to Jasper, turn it on a resume because a resume is normally going to say, you know, where they went to school, how long it was, what’s their degree program, what was their ticket program? Uh, that’s what’s listed on a resume. Can attributes rarely every communicated on a resume? Yeah. These, the one, when you start getting into that, are they coachable?

Can they overcome adversity? Um, have they taken an interest on a furthering their learning? And a lot of the further learning is not as formal, so it wouldn’t be attached to a formal certificate. He knows this is the type of person who, who, you know, they, they became, uh, an electrician, but they stopped learning about being an electrician the day they, they got their ticket 10 years ago or they want to be an accountant, but they’ve never done anything to further their accounting skills. Um, you know, since they completed, other than their minimal professional development hours switch. And we’re trying to hit a checkbox more than trying to further their career. So these sort of attributes, they’re just not communicated on a resume. Even if you’re reading the resume, these are some of the most important attributes at all. Um, and you really can’t tell them even if to read every single resume in detail.

Um, but if you can get in front of them and ask them some questions and figuring out what their, what their makeup is, you can start to understand, are these people are coachable? Can they overcome adversity? Uh, do they have an interest in any lifelong learning and whatever path that they’re, they’re choosing to pursue. So that’s, I think what we have here today on a, you know, why you don’t read resumes when, when hiring a, you know, if you have any questions, you know, please feel free to leave them in the comments below as well. We’ll be happy to address anything in future videos. Thanks very much.