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Edmonton Business Coach | Do You Know About Google Canonical Compliance?

Edmonton business coach | modern-day marketing 101

Everyone is been using the Internet in the modern day as observed by our Edmonton business coach. Modern-day marketing initiatives are significantly different than before. Today’s marketing initiatives consist of having a strong online presence. Having a strong social media presence and SEO compliant websites is essential for today’s marketing. This article we will discuss about search engine optimization or SEO for short. Search engine optimization is a certain rules that for search engines such as Google to find websites when certain keywords are searched.

Our work as the Edmonton business coach have been heavily around helping small businesses. Our mission at Spurrell and Associates chartered professional accountants is to help small businesses beat the odds. However it takes only five years for 50% of Canadian small businesses to fail and according to 42% of entrepreneurs business caused due to the lack of clients. Our team is advised a few ways to help out new businesses such as giving them free consultation on their first visit. They will also receive a free copy of Michael Gerber’s “E-myth”, best-selling business book. If you wish to know more about our free consultation program please email us at or call us at 780-665-4949.

There are a few rules to create a search engine optimized website. You can find similar traits from top ranking websites. These traits are having a mobile friendly and responsive website with plentiful relevant content and keywords.

Mobile friendly and responsive website means that the website scales with the viewer’s device. This means different screen sizes, such as small phones to huge TVs. A responsive website will be able to scale to whatever device it’s viewed in. Responsive website however is also quick to load and have a reasonable sized assets. These assets can include, like code, video and images. A responsive website need to optimize these factors.

Reviews is an important part of modern-day marketing. Online Google reviews are used by 88% of potential customers. They will look up business under phone and decide whether to use their services. Information is available from anywhere and it’s important to have reviews. Potential clients use Google reviews as way to see a company’s legitimacy. As the Edmonton business coach we suggest trying to get at least 40 who reviews to start with. Even a small business owner, Google reviews are important. They rely on client referrals however even referrals look at Google reviews before conducting business. Having these reviews can help you convert referrals to actual clients.

Lastly, search engine optimized websites have plenty of relevant content and keywords. The top websites will have at least a thousand words for each page. However it’s challenging to have that many words on each page. However it’s important to have plenty of words on the important pages such as homepage, about page and 50 page. One of the few tricks that you can use to create content is through videos. Videos can make your page retain more viewers you can transcribe these videos into words.

Edmonton business coach | Google canonical compliance

As the Edmonton business coach for Spurrell and Associates chartered professional accountants our goal is to help small businesses beat the odds. Our firm is driven and inspired by our corporate mission and values. Small businesses are important to us and we will help to succeed. One of the ways that we can help them as giving them free professional consultation on their first visit. They will receive our free consultation service in a free copy of “e-myth” Michael Gerber best-selling business book. If you wish to know more please find us at or call us at 780-665-4949.

A solid online presence is required for modern-day marketing. The landscape exchange ever since the days of TV and radio ads. Been a noticeable decline to print marketing. In today’s modern day landscape, having a strong online presence is important for marketing. This can be achieved through social media and search engine optimization. This article we will discuss the importance of SEO or search are you in optimization.

In this day and age, almost everyone uses Google to search for any information. You may be wondering how to effectively use Google’s algorithms. Search engine optimization is a set of rules to help Google find your website. These include having mobile friendly and responsive website with plenty of relevant keywords and content.

First we will discuss about what it means to have a responsive website. These types of websites are flexible in the sense. People today use a wide array of devices such as phones, laptops, and desktop which comes in a wide variety of screen sizes. With the rise of mobile web searches, Google likes websites with mobile friendly interface and design. This ties in with having a responsive website. Responsive website scales with any type of screen sizes. It also means that your website loads fast and has optimized assets. These assets can be code, videos and images.

Secondly, Google reviews are also important for an effective online marketing. According to our Edmonton business coach 88% of potential clients look through Google reviews before using their services. This holds true to any industry. People use Google reviews to determine a business’ legitimacy. The more abuse you have the better. We suggest starting off with at least 40 reviews. This seems to be the magic number to which potential customers see your company as legitimate.

And lastly it’s important to have plenty of relevant content and keywords. Most top websites will have content rich webpages with relevant keywords. These will allow Google to see that you provide relevant information for your industry. The more you have the better just like the Google reviews. As the Edmonton business coach we suggest having at least a thousand words for your important pages. These pages includes homepage, about page, and team page. While the minimum is 350 words, we still suggest please trying to come up with a thousand words for each page. We know that coming up with a thousand words is difficult so we have devised an effective way to do so. We create video blogs for our daily contact. We transcribe these videos into words to use as contact.