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Edmonton Business Coach | Communicate Vision & Mission Often

100%, 100%. We were just, I think the thing is that we think about it so much as business owners and we just assume that somehow telepathically this is being communicated to our, our customers and our team. And really we have to realize that, you know, we’re, we’re living this, we’re stuck in this where we’re thinking about it every day. Sometimes even when we don’t want to be thinking about it, we’re thinking about it. Um, but our, our, our teammates aren’t in. The only way they’re going to be thinking about it is to actually communicate it to them and communicated to them way more often than you think is necessary.

Yeah, I can see why with I can cause it’s not, hi,

thanks for tuning in for another episode of ask a spurl CPA. Today Evans and business coach, we’re talking about communicating the vision and mission often. So that was a business coach communicating the vision and mission. Often I have Trevor from inspired method here with me chairman. We’re just coming off the weekend so we’re ready to get back at it on Monday. Absolutely. Let’s hit it right on. Edmonton Business Coach. So, uh, the court that we have here today, it’s a Michael Gerber co author of the email and he says, most people today are not getting what they want, not from their jobs, not from their families, not from the religion, not from their government, and most important not from their cells. Now, something is missing in most of our lives. Part of what’s missing is purpose, values, worthwhile standards against which our lives can be measured. Part of what’s missing is a game worth playing.

Um, and you know what? That’s really important when we’re talking about community and the mission vision. Often the statistic that we have here is 50% of Katie business will go out of business in the first five years and 23% of these failed businesses will list their inability to recruit the right team as you know, the, as the reason for their failure. And that makes it the third most common reason that businesses go out of business is the inability to get the right team. You’ll end the story that we have here. You know, business owners, as business owners, you know, we’re guilty. We have these compelling ideas, but we have them in our head, these compelling ideas that are in our head. We don’t communicate them right with our team. Then they, then, you know, we start to wonder why the team is, you know, not engage or why they’re focused on the wrong things.

So, you know, Trevor, what are the questions that these business owners she’d be asking? Well, the first question is, why do you need to write out your problem, vision, mission, and values? I mean, that’s like the first step. You just need to get it on paper. The, you know, the first step of being able to communicate it clearly is, let’s get this thing on paper. Um, you know, people only buy things to solve the problem. Yeah. So let’s get that problem. First thing you, what’s the vision? What’s our longterm goal that we can count? Let’s get that on there. And then what’s the mission in the simplest form that we can write it? Not a literary masterpiece, you know, simple. The simpler, the better. Uh, let’s write out that mission. Uh, on a piece of paper and then let’s write out the values. Let’s write out what sets us apart from, you know, different businesses.

That’s the first part of being able to communicate is we are going to be write it down. It’s got to be specific. It’s got to be set in stone. It’s going to be something that you can refer back to when when yourself, you feel your, you start to drift. You know, what, what was important to us. Now, next question, Josh. As our most business owners guilty of under communicating these items 100%, 100%, we were just, I think the thing is that we think about it so much as business owners and we just assume that somehow telepathically this is being communicated to our, our customers and our team. And, and really we have to realize that, you know, we’re, we’re living this, we’re stuck in this where we’re thinking about it every day. Sometimes even when we don’t want to be thinking about it, we’re thinking about it.

Um, but our, our, our teammates aren’t in. The only way they’re going to be thinking about it is to actually communicate it to them and communicated to them way more often than you think is necessary. Because we have to, you know, realize as business owners it’s a different priority for us that our teammates, and if we don’t communicate it, you know, they, they won’t hair even if it’s meaningful to them. Right. Is it forgotten that some employees only motivation is doing work that matters? Yeah, 100%. So a lot of times you, the other thing is business owners, we’re thinking that, hey, if I, if I pay them more or if I give them better hours or more vacation and, you know, is the, is the answer. But a lot of times it’s, you know, people just want to do work that matters. Just like the Michael Gerber quote, you know, it says that, you know, people are, what’s missing is the game worth playing?

Uh, and there’s a reason why, you know, not for profits can continually recruit people. And often they’re recruiting volunteers and they’re recruiting for people to work at less than market wage because they’ve truly inspired them that they believe that they’re doing work that matters. So, you know, a lot of times you are doing work that matters as a business owner, but if you don’t communicate that big picture and how it’s helping your clients to your team, you know, they, they just think they’re punching a clock. Yeah. While working towards your Edmonton Business Coach longterm vision, should you set short term goals? Yeah. That, that the longterm, you know, we talked about a vision. I, I normally tell business owners, this is something that should be at least five years out now. Something that you can count. But when you start, you know, relaying that to the team, it’s so far out there that, you know, often they can’t.

Um, they can’t really relate to it. Right. And it’s, it’s almost, it’s not motivating enough because the, the gratification is so far in the future of getting there that they don’t really see the connection on what they’re doing today to getting there. So we need to break that down into shorter term goals. I know if you want to help a thousand people, how long is it going to take a hunt to help a hundred [inaudible] right. Um, you know, if you want to help a thousand people, you know, what about if we increase our customer satisfaction and we get more reviews along the way and we can, you know, count those reviews as we’re getting there. So it’s really important to, you know, not, although you have that vision in place and it’s something that you can count, you know, let’s put some things in place that we can count that are, you know, a year out or six months out or even a month out or even at the end of the week, you know, what can we, what can we count in the near term to keep people motivated so we can count up those wins and the progress along the way.

Hey Josh, why is a daily huddle so important? So that daily we talked about we want a mechanism to communicate this problem, vision, mission and values and you know, to make it real for them that they’re working toward something that matters, that there’s small goals that they can hit off along the way. Um, but you know, it’s the old thing and what gets scheduled gets done. So if you have a huddle every single day, now you have a platform, you’re going to mechanism, you had time in your Edmonton Business Coach schedule to communicate it. It’s not a, it’s not a memo being written around that no one’s going to read or you know, half glad side. It’s something you can get in front of someone communicated face to face with your Edmonton Business Coach entire team every single day with that problem. Vision, mission is, you know, it’s just so powerful. There’s, there’s, there’s probably no better way to, to, to communicate it.

Now, how can you replicate a daily huddle if you have staff that starts at different times of the day? Couple of the strategies that I’ve seen out there, you know, for us, it’s nice. We all, we all start to, you know, our huddles starts at 8:00 AM and everybody’s here at 8:00 AM, but if you have, you know, people starting at different times, um, you can, you can have more than one huddle. And you know, there, there’s a lot of really good businesses out there that will have more than one huddle starting with different shifts. Um, you know, I believe the Ritz hotels does that because they have people working 24 hours a day, right? But they’ll have multiple huddles during the day, uh, and in order to, in order to get people on board, right, they’ll replicate that. So, um, just because you have people starting at different times doesn’t mean you can’t do it.

You just might need to be more diligent on how you schedule that so you can make sure that you have, you know, more than one huddle. Um, probably at a minimum you can record it and show it back to people. I don’t think that’s quite as effective and having some sort of huddle. But I would encourage, you know, probably the, the better play is to actually just have more than one time carved out in the day. So someone will, you will always be a part of at least one of these house. Yeah. I know what I was working retail. That was a common thing. Yeah. Um, you, when you started your Edmonton Business Coach shift, you always, uh, you and a few people that started at that exact time would huddle with manager and go over what the tasks were for the day, what section you’d be working in and you know, kind of a Rah Rah session right before you started.

So that, that happened in retail. So I think they do that pretty well. Yeah. Um, now, uh, our monthly staff meetings enough to communicate the vision? I don’t think so. I mean, I always view monthly staff meetings as the bare minimum to maintain what you have right now. So if all you want to do, if you want to make exactly what you made last year, uh, and do as much business as you may last year and have the strength of the team that you had last year and, and you’re perfectly happy with everything, monthly is probably the minimum thresholds for that. Right. If you want to move forward, monthly is not enough. Uh, and I would say most business owners have monthly in mind and they canceled them and they end up meeting, you know, uh, 10, six, four times a year cause it’s the first thing to go is that monthly meeting.

Um, so I, I don’t think that’s, I think that’s when they start to drift actually. Cause they scheduled monthly, they miss a couple of them and then the team starts to drift. But if you really want to move the ball down the field, I think weekly is the goal. You know, we should be thinking about having weekly staff meetings. I think a weekly group meetings on, on you know, training and you know, really identifying the vision and how it plays out at the big picture to the team right now, this is a really important question. How can you make the economic argument to spend money on meeting weekly? Yeah, so I, I mean a lot of the, the waste and the cost of business, let’s look at them that this is, you’re not just doing it because it feels good and people are going to be happier.

It’s actually going to make you more profitable to, um, because one of the biggest costs in businesses is turnover. You know, the average employee is going to stay on average 2.3 years and everyone talks about, oh, I want to build a better culture, but they never meet with their team or they meet with them once a month. Well, guess what? You’re just going to have an average culture if you’d meet once a month. It doesn’t matter what grandeur vision you have in your Edmonton Business Coach head, and it doesn’t matter how eloquently you communicate that monthly. It’s still monthly. I mean, it’s like any relationship. What if you saw your spouse once a month, how good would it be? Right? How good would that, what would the quality of that relationship be? So I think weekly is, is the way to do it. And now you’re going to retain these people for longer.

That’s going to have a significant cost savings. Every time you have to transition someone new, think about how much it costs to train that new person, how much time and money you’re investing on them. And now let’s think about from the work delivery perspective. You can continually train these people so they’re more and more efficient at your job, at their job. That means the customer satisfaction is going to be higher. That means the, you know, your Edmonton Business Coach client retention is going to be better. Your ability to get new clients is going to be stronger. So you’re not just doing this just for feel good. But in terms of retention, productivity, customer satisfaction, it’s an investment that’s going to pay back at, at my my experience at an extreme rate, right? And not mention all the retraining of new hires that you’d have to do because people would fall off.

Yup. Right. Um, now should you use the workspace to display the company mission? Yeah, so I mean, let’s take advantage of that too. We’ve got the, we’ve got a daily huddle set up. We’ve got a, uh, you know, a weekly meeting at a little more depth. Think of training and sometimes, you know, drill through the, the, the problem, vision, mission and values even deeper. Um, but you know, let’s take advantage of it. Let’s put it at the top of like, we do put it out at the top of every whiteboard. Um, you know, helping Canadian business beat the odds and we raced the whiteboard and it goes right back up there again. You know what, let’s put it on the business cards. May need to put on your Edmonton Business Coach truck. Maybe you need to put it on the clipboards that your Edmonton Business Coach guys are traveling around with.

Uh, you know, put that mission everywhere up that remind people about it every single day. Cause it’s easy to drift. We have a lot of things going on in the lives that, you know, how do we pull them back in, pull them back in a, you know, sports teams have used this for years. They got the logo right in the middle of the room. They got a slogan as they pass through the door, out, you know, out into the field or out onto the ice. Um, it works. It works in the business world to put the mission up everywhere. You know, people were remember, okay, I’m having a bad day but this is why I’m here. This is where I’m helping people. That’s right. Now, should your Edmonton Business Coach marketing strategy also communicate the vision, mission and values? Yeah, I mean that’s why, uh, uh, that’s why I think inspired method is the best name for a marketing company because we’re aspiring people to tell their story, you know, tell who they are unique.

So you have that, that story. It’s not just useful for, um, maintaining your employees and your staff. A lot of people will do business with you because of who you are, what you stand for. Right. Other than that you’re, you, a lot of times you’re just a commodity. Um, so you know, you have this, you spent a lot of time and doing it, put it out there. It’s who you are. Don’t be afraid to put it out there because I think you’ll attract more people. Um, you know, people are, a lot of people are compelled to by the story and the problem, vision, mission and values, then it connects with them and they’ll, you know, it’ll help them decide that that’s why they want to do business with you. So yeah, it’s a, it’s a twofold thing. It’s helping the team, but it’s also giving you a mechanism to connect with your Edmonton Business Coach customers too.

So when you spend the time and doing this problem, vision, mission, and values, stick it on the website. You know, put the exercise up on it, on your, your posts, you know, make sure your customers know who you are and what you stand for to, um, because a lot of them that, that might be the only reason why they do business with you. Awesome. Thanks so much, Josh. Yeah. So I think that’s what we have here today. Uh, as always here, and we look forward to reading any comments that you have below so we can, uh, respond and, uh, you know, please hit the like and subscribe button so we can continue to deliver your tips on how to beat the odds of business. Thanks very much.