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Edmonton Accounting Firms | What Activities Can Increase Google Ranking

It is very important that entrepreneurs put an emphasis on search engine optimization says Edmonton accounting firms. By working on this early on in their business, entrepreneurs are able to get their business in front of more people looking for that product or service, increasing the chances of converting those people searching into customers. This is extremely important, because 42% of failed entrepreneurs say that they were unable to find enough customers in their business and that is the reason they failed. By focusing on this early on in their business, entrepreneurs can start to increase the number of people that are seeing their business early on.

When way that entrepreneurs can help increase their search engine results, having to spend a lot of money is by increasing the amount of content that they are putting on their website. The reason this works says Edmonton accounting firms, is because the more content they have, the more they will seem relevant to Google search engines. The more relevant a website is, the closer to the top of the page they will get, and be able to be seen by more potential customers.

In order to do this, an entrepreneur must increase the amount of content they have on their website. But Google considers content is pages that have a thousand words or more on it says Edmonton accounting firms. The only problem with this strategy, is that many entrepreneurs are overwhelmed at the prospect of writing a thousand words or more. Luckily, there is a way that entrepreneurs can get around having to write words, but by having unique content that they create.

How business owner will do this, is by making a video of themselves talking about their business for about ten minutes. Edmonton accounting firms says that when anyone talks about anything for about ten minutes, they will come away with approximately thousand words or more. It should be very easy for an entrepreneur to speak on a subject that they are so well-versed in, their business. By creating these videos, an entrepreneur can then have them transposed, which will give them the unique content they need for their website.

In addition to that, entrepreneurs can take that video that they created, and put it on their website as well as putting it on YouTube. YouTube is the second most popular search engine in the world. Therefore, when entrepreneurs put information on that website, they are exponentially increasing the amount of potential customers that can see their business.

With how effective this method is for pairing hire a search engine results, Edmonton accounting firms says that business owners to implement this method in their business, can increase their search engine results significantly, though ever having to spend a single penny doing so. Only after they have maximized this method out, should an entrepreneur start think about purchasing Google ads to increase their ranking even more. By focusing on this first, ignores can appear in front of his many potential customers as possible, for the greatest return on investment.

Edmonton Accounting Firms | What Activities Can Increase Google Ranking

Many entrepreneurs struggle with getting their website on the first page of Google says Edmonton accounting firms. They have heard about getting to forty Google reviews, and once they get there, they believe that their next step is to purchase Google ads in their business. However, there is even more than entrepreneur can do for free, to increase their search engine results. By utilizing this method first, an entrepreneur can continue to increase their search engine results, without having to spend a lot of money to do it.

The way that an entrepreneur can do this is by increasing the amount of content that they are putting on their website. Edmonton accounting firms says that Google considers content as pages that have a thousand words or more on that. More of these pages that an entrepreneur can create, and have on their website, the more relevant Google will assume the business is to people doing searches, and they will appear higher up on the search results.

The only problem with this says Edmonton accounting firms, is business owners struggle with having time to do anything, let alone take a couple of hours to write thousands of words of content. However, finding companies to create content is always a gamble, because while it is an expenditure of money, business owners also have no way of verifying that this is unique content. The reason why entrepreneurs should be avoiding duplicate content, is because not only does duplicate content not help entrepreneurs increase their ranking on Google. But also, duplicate content will get an entrepreneur to be pushed further down the page, thing them further behind in their ranking.

Therefore, it is extremely important that entrepreneurs understand how important it is to create the content themselves, so that they can verify that content is completely unique to them. Entrepreneur can do that according to Edmonton accounting firms is to create a video of themselves talking about their business. By speaking for about ten minutes, people will be able to get about a thousand words out, even if they are very slow talker. These videos can then be transcribed, giving entrepreneurs all the unique content they want as long as they are able to talk about their business for ten minutes.

A business owner should create an outline of all of the different topics that they can talk about, and then set aside time every week to record these videos. Edmonton accounting firms says that business owners should aim at having twelve videos to start, and once they have that, the minimum that they should be uploading to their website is one week. By having fifty-two different topics to talk about for the entire year, can give an entrepreneur enough content that they need to increase their ranking in Google search engines, and be able to get in front of even more potential customers.