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Edmonton Accounting Firms | Should Entrepreneurs Use Quickbooks Online Or Desktop

When the timing is right for entrepreneurs to start choosing which accounting software is the right one for their business, Edmonton accounting firm says regardless of which decision they make, as long as entrepreneurs are able to use the software efficiently and correctly, they will be able to have a great tool. However, there are things that they should take into consideration to help them make that decision.

Many accountants and bookkeepers recommend QuickBooks as the software that business owners should use. The main reason for that is because it is the most common software in the world, and most bookkeepers and accountants are familiar with that version. In addition to that, entrepreneurs are more likely to be able to find staff who are familiar with one of the QuickBooks products so that if an entrepreneur is looking to delegate their bookkeeping tasks to an employee, having QuickBooks may allow them to find a great employee more easily.

While QuickBooks desktop has been around longer than the online version, into it is starting to offer fewer updates and developments on it. The reason is because they are putting more time and effort into QuickBooks online. Because of this, Edmonton accounting firm says business owners who have not yet committed to a software, should think about using QuickBooks online. Estimation is that the desktop version will eventually be obsolete and be unsupported. If entrepreneurs are already using QuickBooks desktop, they should not have to panic, thinking that it will be unsupported soon, however it should definitely be a consideration to businesses that have not committed to a software yet.

One great feature of the online version of the software says Edmonton accounting firms, is that since it is an online version, business owners as well as their bookkeepers, accountants and employees can access it from multiple locations. Whether they want to allow their employee to update it from their own computer in the office, or if they want their bookkeeper to be able to access it from their own office across town, online versions can eliminate the need to have a master file that has to be passed back-and-forth in order to work on a business owners information.

In addition to not needing an main file, the online version allows entrepreneurs to not need a central server or maintaining an network in order to have multiple people working on the file. Also, the online version will allow entrepreneurs to be able to work on their finances at the same time as anyone else, whether it is their accountant completing their fiscal year end, or their staff doing entries, the sophistication of the software allows business owners to have multiple people using the program at the same time and updated in real time.

There is many great features that QuickBooks online has simply because it is an online software that entrepreneurs should consider when making the decision on what software is the right one for them to use. The increased functionality of that can tip the scale towards QuickBooks online rather than QuickBooks desktop.

Edmonton Accounting Firms | Should Entrepreneurs Use Quickbooks Online Or Desktop

when an entrepreneur has reached the point in their business where it has grown and they are hiring their first employees, Edmonton accounting firm says that is a great time for business owners to start considering what accounting software they need to get for their business. While any of the software options they might pick can all be great for business owners to use to ensure that they have the most up-to-date financial information for their business, there are other considerations that business owners should have in mind when choosing their software.

While many entrepreneurs have heard of various accounting software such as zero or sage, the largest accounting software in the world is QuickBooks. Business owners should keep this in mind when making their decision, because the largest software company will have the most people who are able to use that software. Whether they want help in learning how to use it, finding a bookkeeper or accountant who is familiar with it, QuickBooks is definitely quite have more people who know how to use it.

Something else for entrepreneurs to consider says Edmonton accounting firms is that QuickBooks online has been around for almost 20 years, and while it has not always been a great software because it lacked functionality, it lacked many of the same features that the desktop version had, and it was notorious for being slow and hard to use, this has recently changed. Intuit has been putting more updates and effort into the software, where it is an extremely good alternative, if not better than QuickBooks desktop.

Business owners should keep in mind that any online software can have a tendency to lag, and it does depend on the speed of the Internet in the area, however this slight delay is made less relevant with the automated features that the online software has. Edmonton accounting firms says that one of the most important automated features of QuickBooks online is the bank feed option. Business owners can sink their business bank account directly to the software, every transaction, whether it is incoming or outgoing, debit usage, checks all gets updated in real time directly to the software. Not only does this mean data entry is no longer relevant, also means that transactions will not fall behind if a business owner does not have time to update the files. This can be a significant game changer when updating their financial information in the software.

When choosing the right accounting software for their business, as long as business owners are going to be able to update the information often and correctly, they are not going to be able to make the wrong decision. However, QuickBooks online is a great software that allows many features that other accounting software do not have. This can make it much easier, simpler and more accurate to have updated finances, so that business owners can have better information when they are making financial decisions in their business.