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Edmonton Accounting Firms | How Do Youtube Videos Help Entrepreneurs

It is very important that business owners are increasing their search engine optimization as early in their business as possible says Edmonton accounting firms. One of the first ways that entrepreneurs are going to do that is by increasing the number of Google reviews that they can get in their business as quickly as they can. Once they get to forty reviews, they are going to be able to ensure that they are ranking higher up in search engine optimization results. However, when entrepreneurs have achieve that goal, the next step is not buying ads.

There is actually a step in between getting Google reviews, and buying ads that can help entrepreneurs rank on search engine optimization without having to spend a dime. This is creating content, and one of the ways that entrepreneurs can increase their ranking on Google search results is by having the most content on their website. Google considers content as pages that have a thousand words or more in it. Therefore, Edmonton accounting firms says it is very important for entrepreneurs to create as much content to put on their website as possible.

Unfortunately, trying to write a thousand words or more is not only time-consuming, but it is also difficult. Entrepreneurs often have a lot of things that they have to do in a very short amount of time, therefore learning time hacks that can help them create content very quickly is very important. One time hack that Edmonton accounting firms suggests entrepreneurs do is videotape themselves speaking about their business.

People will generally find that if there able to speak for ten minutes, they will be able to get about a thousand words or more. When an entrepreneur videotapes themselves talking about a topic in their business, they can use that ten minute video to create that content for their website. How an entrepreneur can use that video, first of all is by transcribing it. When an entrepreneur transcribes that video, they can put the words on their website, and that will give them the content that Google can then use in search engine optimization.

The next thing that an entrepreneur will be able to do with that video, is put it up on YouTube. Why this is important says Edmonton accounting firms, is because many people do not realize that YouTube is actually the second largest search engine in the world. Therefore, without any additional effort, an entrepreneur has now created a thousand words for their websites, and put a video up on the second largest search engine. Therefore, they are able to be searched by Google and YouTube simultaneously.

By implementing these methods, business owners will be able to creates a lot of content very quickly for their websites, and once they have mastered this, it will become very important to continue to write that content for their website, so they can continue being seen relevant to Google and rank higher on search engine results.

Edmonton Accounting Firms | How Do Youtube Videos Help Entrepreneurs

One of the most important things that an entrepreneur can do for their websites, is create content says Edmonton accounting firms. The reason why, is because content will help Google search engines right websites. The more pages that they have that are over a thousand words, and Google will believe that the websites with the most pages will be more relevant to search results.

Therefore, in order to be seen by more likely customers, Edmonton accounting firms says a business owner should have as much content as they can put up on their website. In fact, industry Canada says that half of all Canadian businesses will fail in business by year five. 42% of those businesses will say that the reason why their business failed was because they were unable to find enough customers. By creating content for their website, and ranking higher in search engine results, entrepreneurs can be seen by more customers, and be more likely to sell their product to more people than if they were not creating content for their website at all.

Once an entrepreneur has figured out a great time hack that they can use to help them create content very quickly, they can use that content to go on YouTube, and be found by people doing searches they are says Edmonton accounting firms. In addition to that, is owners can put the video directly onto their websites, ensuring that they are being searched both by Google and YouTube search engines. In addition to that, business owners should be transcribing the video as well, and then using that transcription to give them HTML content that can be searched by Google search engines.

A business owner should sit down with their Edmonton accounting firms and create a business plan that will give them a significant number of topics that a business owner can talk about the reason why this is important, is because the goal the business owner should be creating one article per week that they can put on YouTube and their websites. By having a lot of topics already to be spoken about, can help an entrepreneur not to procrastinate when it comes time to make these videos.

In a single afternoon, an entrepreneur can get a significant number of ten minute videos created, that will allow them to have content for weeks and even months at a time says Edmonton accounting firms. By tapping into this time hack, Norse can ensure that they are creating a significant amount of content to be seen as a relevant to Google search engines. So that they can get put in front of more likely customers, and sell more products.

Not only is this extremely important for entrepreneurs to do so that they can be seen by more likely customers. But also it is important to do this early on in their business says Edmonton accounting firms so that business owners do not have to spend any money in order to start generating sales for their business. By doing this, entrepreneurs will be able to sell more products more cost-effectively, so that they will have more profits at their disposal when they are ready to start actually buying Google ads for their business.