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Edmonton Accounting Firms | Attracting More Customers For New Entrepreneurs
Many entrepreneurs understand how important it is to attract customers to their business right away says Edmonton accounting firms. But what they might not realize, is how many businesses fail because they are unable to find enough customers. Industry Canada says that half of all Canadian small businesses will fail within five years, and 42% of all of these failed entrepreneurs will go on to say that the inability to find enough customers as their main reason that their business failed. Therefore, business owners should create a business plan that addresses this obstacle, so that they can become more likely to avoid it and succeed.
One of the first things that many entrepreneurs believe they need to do is create a website in order to attract customers. However, a website alone does not generate traffic. And if a business owner cannot generate the traffic, the website is not useful. In addition to that, websites costs a lot of money to creates, and is not an effective way for business owner to start their business. Rather than dishing out money for websites upfront, there are several much more cost-effective things that business owners can do that are more effective at driving traffic.
One of the first things that a business owner should do, is create a Google my business listing says Edmonton accounting firms. What this will do, is allow them to start being searchable by Google search engines and start generating Google reviews for their business. It is very important that entrepreneurs gain as many Google reviews as possible, for many reasons. The first reason is that Google will start breaking them higher in search engine results when they get to about forty reviews. Not only that, but entrepreneurs will find that customers will start taking the reviews more seriously when they have about forty, gaining their trust sooner, and allowing them to convert those Google searches into customers.
Once an entrepreneur has about forty reviews or more, the next thing that they should concentrate on doing is creating content. Edmonton accounting firms says that content is very important, because that can help them rank higher in Google searches, so that even more customers can find them. Google considers content as and most number of pages with a thousand words or more. An effective way that a business owner can achieve this, is by creating a ten minute YouTube video about their business. By talking for about ten minutes, people can typically get a thousand words spoken. They can post this on their Google my business listing as well as on YouTube.
YouTube is extremely important, because it is the second most common search engine in the world. By posting videos there, entrepreneurs can now be searchable on the two most powerful search engines, and start generating even more traffic. If they transcribe their videos, they will get a thousand words that they can post on their page, and start ranking higher on Google listings.
Edmonton Accounting Firms | Attracting More Customers For New Entrepreneurs
It is very important that business owners develop a strategy for attracting customers says Edmonton accounting firms. The reason why, is because the failure to attract enough customers is the reason why many entrepreneurs have to close their business. However, once they get forty Google reviews, and twelve tenant YouTube videos, the work does not and there.
Business owners need to understand that they need to constantly be updating their content in order to remain relevant. Therefore, once a business owner has created twelve YouTube videos and have transcribe them, they should aim for putting out about one every week indefinitely. This way, not only will he be seen as an expert in their field, but by constantly adding content, it will continue to be seen as relevant.
Business owners should also adopt this strategy for getting Google reviews. Edmonton accounting firms says that it is not only important for entrepreneurs to get forty Google reviews, but they need to keep getting Google reviews in order to remain relevant by the Google search engines says Edmonton accounting firms. Therefore, business owners should aim for getting forty Google reviews, and then get a new review approximately once a month. This way, Google will see that they are still active in their business, and they are still providing the quality of services that get them Google reviews.
Once a business owner has forty Google reviews, and all this content on YouTube, Edmonton accounting firms recommends that entrepreneurs then can benefit from getting a website made. If they create a website before accomplishing all of this, then they are not going to be able to attract customers, because no one will be looking for their business in order to find their website. However, once an entrepreneur is being ranks higher on Google, once they have a website, it adds even another place for them to put their content, and customers will be able to search their business and find their website, which will drive traffic to their websites and their business. However, until they have been able to drive traffic, they will benefit from a website.
Therefore business owners should aim for creating a Google my business listing, get to forty Google reviews and then start creating content. By doing when video, it will give them fifty-two videos for a year which will allow Google to consider them as subject matter experts, that will allow them to continually rank on Google search results. By combining that with the Google review that they are going to get one per month, business owners will be able to drive enough traffic to help them avoid the obstacle of not finding enough customers for their business.
By creating a business plan with these things in mind, can help entrepreneurs know exactly what they have to do is soon as they open their business to drive traffic, and know what they have to do on an ongoing basis as well. By having this plan in place, can help entrepreneurs know exactly what they have to do as soon they start their business, so that they can become successful.