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Business Coach Edmonton | Beat the odds through planning


Come experience while we are the best here at Business Coach Edmonton. When you begin to face statistics head on, it is difficult to ignore the existence of proven strategies available to mitigate these common risks. However, the mere involvement of a chartered professional accountant on its own, does not effectively mitigate these risks. For the, The Limited involvement of an accountant often loses business owners into a false sense of security. Let us consider an entrepreneur who hires a CPA right out of the gate to assemble their year in financial statements and a corporate tax return. the CPA may or may not engage to provide analysis on those numbers. Even if they are engaged to provide analysis at year end, there is a greater than 15% likelihood that the client will be out of business before the year and is even completed.

Come to Business Coach Edmonton for an experience while we are ready to five stars in the business. Those who do not make it through the year, have likely made some costly mistakes as a result of limited guidance. Parents exist solely to provide comprehensive, yet Affordable Services that maximize the chance for your success. We as accounting professionals believe that it is not good enough to Simply limit your services and hope that the client is still in business next year. That’s, we refuse to provide inadequate Services offering for the same reason why a reputable automaker would refuse to sell a car without a seatbelt.

Come to Business Coach Edmonton and let us take the stress of taxes away. The average Canadian ends up paying 43% of their growth income to one form of Taxation or another. By comparison, the average Canadian only uses 37% of the remaining after tax funds on shelter, food, and clothing. Although often not considered, taxes are ordinarily the single biggest expense of your life. For most non-business owners, the ability to reduce this level of Taxation is limited. However, there are a number of strategies to reduce this level of Taxation for business owners. Unfortunately, these options become Limited at the entrepreneur Waits until the year to execute these incentives.

Often the entrepreneur looks for the cheapest accounting option available. The reasoning is that a lower accounting fee means more money in their pocket. However, our experiences at the cheapest fees usually result in inadequate planning, and the highest rate of taxation. That’s, any savings on accounting fees are dwarfed by unnecessary taxes paid.

Come check out all the amazing testimonials on our website at And you will see why we are ready for five stars in the business. You can give one of our talented team members a call at 780-665-4949 and we will be more than happy to help you with all of your tax needs. We are great at what we do and we will love for you to schedule an appointment with us today and see why we are ready for five stars in the business.

Business Coach Edmonton | Five star rated

We understand here at Business Coach Edmonton that’s some firms who focus on year and tax preparation or are not equipped to handle small business tax planning efficiently and consistently. The credibility to obtain a tax minimization strategy is dependable on their ability to get the right information, to the right person, at the right time. Unfortunately, most clients are the same and don’t know what they don’t know. that’s, they do not alert the CPA of the relevant circumstances. Moreover, even if they do not alert the CPA to the relevant circumstances, The Firm does not have an efficient set of processes to execute the calculations and analyze alternative strategies efficiently.

Come to Business Coach Edmonton and let us handle all of your taxes for you. the saying goes that you plan to succeed, or by default call me you plan to fill. This could be applied to business plans. The number one reason given for failing business is lack of demand. In other words, the business could not generate enough revenue. However, business owners who complete a business plan are 50% more likely to grow revenue! Our experience is that most business owners do not complete annual business plans because I do not know how to do so efficiently. further, those who complete plans fail to address key areas adequately. stems from business owners personal experience which is ordinarily limited to a handful of companies.

Come see why we are the best here at Business Coach Edmonton. The question that gets asked is why should you engage your accountant to assist with a business plan? The answer is normally two-fold. Firstly, your accountant is asking hundreds of business strategies in full. That’s, they are in a good position to determine if your vision will likely create enough value and differentiate you enough from your competitors to generate revenue. After all, this is the main risk for most businesses. secondly, most business plans that are not created by CPAs have significant financial projection deficiencies. Assembling Financial projections is generally more complex and assembling a year in financial statements.

that’s, we find it makes little sense to assume that a person who’s not qualified to generate professional financial statements it’s likely to make accurate Financial projections. routinely see that the projections made by non CPAs are highly deficient. We believe that this is a root cause for businesses running out of cash, which is the second most common reason for a business to fail. Here We Believe reporting alone does not sufficiently mitigate the risk for business owners to maximize your chances for success.

check out our website today at to see all the services that we can provide for you. or you can give us a call at 780-665-4949 and we would love to help you with all of your tax needs today. Come see why we are ready to be five stars in the business and why people trust us with all the tax needs.