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Accounting Outsourcing | How Two-person Accounting Teams Is Beneficial

When entrepreneurs are ready to hire and accounting outsourcing company to help them with their new business, they should look for an accounting firm that is dedicated to giving the entrepreneurs they work with the best service possible. Not only should they be looking for an accountant that can do great business and tax plans, but also someone who is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs succeed. At Spurrell and Associates, this is exactly how they work. Everything they do in their office, is designed to help entrepreneurs succeed. With 50% of entrepreneurs failing within five years, they are dedicated to helping small businesses become successful.

There are several things that they do differently than many other accounting firms, that not only sets them apart, but helps them deliver exceptional service to their clients that can significantly increase their chances of succeeding in business. One of the ways that they do this, is by assigning each client that uses their firm two-person accounting team. Other accounting firms typically assign what they call accounting technicians to various projects. This accounting technician never gets familiar with anyone client. However, at Spurrell and Associates, these clients get a dedicated team that are able to get extremely familiar with their business, and their unique set of circumstances. This familiarity allows them to deliver a much higher level of accounting work to them.

They also do not call these front-line accountants technicians, as Burrell and Associates refers to these vital employees is Associates. Without them, they would not be able to operate efficiently, or deliver the service that they are known for. Also, by calling their accountants Associates, helps them develop a sense of ownership in their work, which helps them deliver a much higher level of accounting work for their clients.

A great benefit that entrepreneurs will find comes with an accounting team of two, is whenever they are working on their accounting outsourcing, regardless of if an associate has gone on vacation, or is sick, that entrepreneur will never have a gap in their service. They will never worry that something will get missed because of the vacation. Also, if an entrepreneur has an urgent matter come up unexpectedly, they know that they are always going to be able to call the office and talk to someone who is familiar with their business and their files. This continuity of service is extremely valuable.

Not only does a two-person accounting team allow clients to never have a gap in their accounting outsourcing, but it also allows them to deliver a much higher level of accounting service to that client. The reason is because two Associates are going to be able to deliver a higher level of work, because of the collaboration, and the problem solving that two people are going to be able to do over one.
When entrepreneurs are ready to have a completely unique approach to their accounting outsourcing, they should contact Spurrell and Associates in order to get their free consultation, and find out how this accounting firm can significantly impact their chances of success in their new business all they have to do is call the phone number 780-665-4949.

Accounting Outsourcing | How Two-person Accounting Teams Is Beneficial

One of the problems that entrepreneurs often have, is that they are unable to afford the type of business services particularly their accounting outsourcing that large businesses can afford. Because of this, they end up struggling, which could put their business at a disadvantage, and even at risk. However, at Spurrell and Associates, they are dedicated to giving small businesses the same business advantages that large businesses have, except at a price point that small businesses can afford.

One great way that Spurrell and Associates is able to be of much higher level of service at an affordable price, is because they have their accountants work in teams of two. Rather than having a high-level chartered professional accountants work on the files of the business, which would put it out of a price range that they would not be able to afford. As Burrell and Associates has these teams of two accountants they call Associates working on every clientís file. The way this is beneficial, is because a team of two is able to work more efficiently than one, giving a higher level of work. This allows the accounting firm to have the less-expensive staff doing the most time intensive work, so that it can keep the entrepreneurs accounting bills down. However, the fact that there is two people working on their file at all times, doing a higher level of work, means that even though they are saving money, they are getting an extremely great service as well.

By the time the chartered professional accountants reviews the work done by these high, and at an extremely high quality. The chartered professional accountant or manager may still correct errors, or change the strategy from time to time, but they find that these teams are able to provide an extremely great product over one person working alone.

In order to facilitate these accounting teams of two, Spurrell and Associates have made collaborative workstations, so that not only does every client have a team of two, but their desks are all set up to ensure the ease of this workflow. Their desks are set up for three people to sit at, with a bank of three monitors mounted vertically in front of the stations. Each associate can see what the other one is working on, and the middle desk is left open, so that a manager can easily join them and review their work, or help them problem solve. This is an extremely intuitive way to work together, that can help these teams collaborate with each other for their clients.

Entrepreneurs who are ready to have a free consultation with as Burrell and Associates can simply book their free consultation by calling the phone number 780-665-4949 at any time.