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Should Employees Always Like Their Boss | Edmonton Business Coach Guarantees

Is it even possible for employees to like you all the time? I don’t believe it’s possible.

Yeah. I can see why because it’s not.

Hi, thanks for joining us for another episode of ask spiral CPA. Today we’re talking about should employees always liked her boss? Uh, so I have Trevor here with me today. Trevor from it inspired methods. So Trevor, how are you doing today? I’m doing very well. Thanks so much. Yeah. How are things going on the inspire method side? A really good, we’re consistently making new videos and the content just like we’re doing here, but it’s brown associates and because it is a vital role that we have to do in order to win with Seo. Yeah, for sure. Love it. So the, the quote that we have here today talking about should employees always like their boss? It’s a Jim Collins quote, you know, author of six business books. It says, those who build great companies understand that the ultimate throttle for growth for any great company is not markets or technology or competition or products is one thing above all others.

The ability to get and keep enough of the right people. So in the stat that backs it up, Industry Canada, you know what he says, 50% of all Canadian small businesses fail within five years and 23% of those failed businesses will list that their team was the reason that they failed. Uh, making it the, you know, the, the third most common reason that business owners will list for failure. And the story that we get here are business owners. They confuse being a leader with being someone’s friend. A little bit, a little bit of a dicey, they see topic here, a little bit controversial, but we’ll, we’ll dive into it. So term or when you think of questions that these business owners should be asking, well, is it really beneficial that your employees like you, it’s probably ideal, uh, if your employees like you, but you know, we also have to remit or remember is it, you know, practical all the time.

So I mean, although I think it is beneficial if the employers do like you, Edmonton Business Coach, you know, it, it’s not probably a hundred percent possible all the time. Right? So will having a compelling mission increase positivity in the workplace? Yeah, I think so. I mean, you know, business is tough. You know, people are going to make mistakes. Customers are going to be unhappy at times is going to be, you know, time, uh, pressures on everybody and everybody also has their, their own personal lives that they’re dealing with as well. And having that mission that you’re doing something more than just getting a paycheck. Um, I think it gives that extra level of satisfaction that, you know, everybody in the organization, you know, can, can draw on when, when times are tough, you realize that the work that we’re doing, it matters. Cool. So Josh, um, how does working hard help employees to like you?

Well, I think working hard, you know, showing up early, staying a little bit longer. Edmonton Business Coach, you know, when the employees see that the, the, the leader, the bosses and they’re giving that extra effort, they don’t resent the effort that they have to put in. You know, if they see that the boss is working 20 hours a week and they’re working 50, there might not like you as much, uh, and they might not be willing to go that extra mile. And so when you’re asking them to do things that quite frankly, you won’t. Um, you know, that’s probably where a lot of the friction comes from, I believe. Yeah. So having a do do as I say, not as I do hunter saying that’s, that’s getting people’s animosity up when they think all that boss, I just worked for this guy and yeah. You know, they get, feel that resentment towards them.

I worked construction for many years and um, there’s times when when you definitely feel that yeah, someone’s riding your heart but they’re not riding hard themselves. Yeah. Then you don’t see it for a month. Right. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So, um, Josh, how does having values and being consistent to those values help employees? I, I think it takes some of the ambiguity out of it for them. So, you know, without those values, if they’re, if they’re not, you know, outlined for the employees, they’re not really sure what they’re trying to hit their, you know, they’re aiming for a moving target, but if there’s a set of values and they’re, you know, they’re written down and the, the, the boss and the company there, they follow them as consistently as possible. Um, you know, people, you know, I think they respect that and they’re, you know, they’re not going to be rubbed the wrong way when they’re asked to do something that’s consistent with those values that are consistent with, uh, you know, the, the employer who is living up to those values as well.

When people really, they, they do appreciate the consistency. Right. Edmonton Business Coach, you know, when, if you’re, you know, to, to correct something like that and they have no idea why they’re being corrected and they don’t know that this is important to the person, we’ll, of course, they’re going to resent that. And that’s going to create that animosity because, um, you know, they never knew it was, you know, people don’t like to be, uh, corrected. They never knew it was important to begin with. So they never had a shot of avoiding that awkward situation at all. So yeah, no, that makes a lot of sense. So what is the natural reaction when people are held accountable to set standards? So here this is going to be that, that natural reaction. So if you want to hold people accountable to those set standards, you don’t employees, they’re going to fall off the track once in awhile and you have to held them accountable and you’ve got to, you know, tell him that is not up to the standards.

That’s not our protocol that we’re following here. And they’re going to present it that initially, that that’s just how it’s going to happen. You know, there’s a very few people who will come in and they’ll say, okay, yeah, you’re right, type of thing. Uh, and even if they say that there’s probably a small part of them that just says that, why is this guy coming down on me today? Does he know how hard I’ve had at last week or last night? And, and, uh, Edmonton Business Coach, so they’re going to resent in a win. It at least initially being held accountable to any standard it is, it’s not going to be the easiest conversation and you have to expect a little bit of resistance. And you know, if you want to be liked all the time, you’ll lose that ability to hold people accountable to those standards, which are important. Right. Kind of like parenting. Yeah. Yeah. And your kids like you 100% of the time, um, maybe, but you’ll have probably have awful children.

True Story. So what is the natural reaction when you push people to achieve more? It’s, it’s similar. It’s, you know, it’s kind of the same, you know, some people are naturally driven and, but some people, you know, even if they’re German, sometimes they’ll get stuck in a rut. Right, right. And in order to get them unstuck, you know, you, you have to give them that, that gentle or sometimes not so gentle push. Um, and, and there probably that’s going to cause a little bit of friction as well. Edmonton Business Coach, and that is going to cause, you know, uh, maybe a little bit of the initial resentment, um, but it’s necessary or else you end up with people who are really stuck in the organization and they might be good people. Uh, but if you can’t get them unstuck, I mean, you can’t move forward as, as an organization. Right. That makes sense. So is it even possible for employees to like you all of that? I don’t believe it’s possible if you’re really, you know, um, if you’re striving to be, you know, the, the best in your marketplace, I don’t think it’s possible, uh, for employees that like you all the time. I mean, anybody who is ever played a sport, I mean, even the, the coaches that you liked, did you like them all the time?

I don’t think that that’s how it works. I mean, I mean, they should like you, it’s beneficial if they like you, if the, the overall consensus and the overall feeling as positive, but for them to like you at every specific moment is probably, uh, uh, a fictional situation that some business owners, unfortunately they’re trying to pursue that and to the detriment of their business. So more along the lines of having, we’re getting respect from your employees, not necessarily them being your buddy. You got it. Yep. Okay. So do most people value seeing progress within themselves and their employer? Yeah, it’s, it’s one of the things that, you know, people really do value. They value, you know, seeing that their lives are progressive, you know, uh, both, uh, professionally like their individual skills. If they feel that they’re doing, you know, the same task at the same ability forever.

Um, you know, eventually there’s resentment from that as well too. Um, and you know, it the same thing working for an employer. That employer is stuck doing the exact same thing all the time. They’re, they’re not growing. Employees tend to get bored with that as well. Edmonton Business Coach, some people will stick around for that, but there’s a lot of employees that if they don’t feel that they’re growing right, or if they feel that they’re working for a company that’s not growing the, that engagement level, it falls off the map I think. Hmm, okay. So if you don’t push people to succeed and they kinda resent you anyway, there you go. There there’s the dichotomy. There’s the dichotomy. So if you, you know, if you avoid that initial awkwardness of pushing people to hold them accountable to standards or avoid that awkwardness of pushing people to progress, they will, initially, you’ll have less issues initially.

You’re going to have less issues there. You’re not, you’re going to be able to avoid that awkward conversation for a while, but then eventually they’re going to resent you anyways because they feel like they’re not growing or they’re working for a company that’s not succeeding, are growing. So it’s, it’s kind of, do I want to have that initial awkward conversation earlier, uh, or do I want to have it later? But the problem is once you have it later, if they’re happy that they’re not progressing, progression is not something that you can solve overnight. Right? So now you have an employee that’s unhappy without progression, but they might be six months or a year or two years from a progression point that they’re actually happy with. Edmonton Business Coach, so now it might not be absolutely impossible to get them back on the, on the track, Edmonton Business Coach, because you know what they want is too far away.

So I would rather have the conversation earlier, rather you want to, when I can do something about it then later. That makes sense. So what happens if you push employees to achieve more and they succeed? So then you yield the idea we talked about, you know, it ultimately it is better if the employees do like you, but if you push them and they achieve more and the company cheese more now they’re actually happy with you. You know, they’ll go back and they’ll remember that even though it was, you know, maybe a little bit difficult or awkward. The, when it was talked about holding someone accountable to the standard, Edmonton Business Coach, you know, if they see that standard, achieve longterm results for the company, build value being a part of it. And the same time, if they were stuck and you gave him that, that that push in, they’re in the right direction and it allowed them to achieve more and allowed them to progress.

Now they’re going to like you and that I would suggest that that’s probably a little bit more of a, a, a valuable like that it wasn’t easy. You know, the best things in life aren’t easy. Edmonton Business Coach, but the actually achieves something, have some merit and you know, something that was, you know, maybe a little bit difficult. I think that’s going to, you know, a gardener, a little bit more of a, uh, uh, uh, permanent respect. Okay. Rather than just an initial, uh, I like you because this is, this is easy, right? Yeah. You seem like a cool guy. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. You know, we, we accomplished something here or I accomplished something here and, and you are a part of it. You’re the person who who, who, you know, played a role in it and help that along. I think that’s been more valuable thing.

And people like to be on a winning team 100% and they like to win. Yeah. Anybody who doesn’t like to win, well are they really a good fit anyway? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So I think that’s what we have here today for this episode. You will, thanks so much for tuning in and as always, you don’t hit the light come subscribe button so we can continue to deliver you tips on how to beat the odds at business. And if you have any questions or comments, please leave them below and we’ll do our best to address that in a future video. Thanks very much.